
Self Made Archive

Ensuring The Healthcare System Works For All

The United States Supreme Court’s recent, historic decision in King v. Burwell, upholding the right of federal premium assistance, guaranteed millions of Americans the right to keep their healthcare. Last month’s ruling, along with the previous 2012 Supreme Court decision affirming the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, was a profound victory for the ideal that healthcare should be a right of all Americans – rich or poor, individual or small business owner. These decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court mark the existence – and importance -- of the nation’s new healthcare system by keeping the law in tact and establishing a precedent for future debates regarding healthcare in America.

Are Business Credit Cards Right For Freelancers?

Business credit cards are a popular and valuable resource which, when used responsibly, can help you make purchases and organize your spending, all while getting some perks on the side. Most issuers offer credit cards for small businesses and freelancers in addition to their regular cards, and there are 3 important things you need to know about them.

6 Apps to Get your Ecommerce Enabled Business off the Ground With the Right Apps

The best apps are the ones that give business owners and entrepreneurs flexibility. Whether they sell services or merchandise, rely on employees or work alone, an owner's talents and energies should be concentrated on the things that count. The best apps are the ones that use automation to free up an entrepreneur's already limited time. Here are six apps that help business owners manage their money, their merchandise, their marketing and more.

The Independent Contractor in the New Freelance Economy

You most likely have used Uber to get you where you want, or NoWait to snag a reservation at a hot, new restaurant, or bought gifts through the online marketplace Etsy. These services, and many more like it, are part of a growing and on-demand business demographic called the "freelance economy." From sharing rides to purchasing items online and even providing accommodation on sites such as AirBnB, individuals can set up their own small business and operate from their driver's seat or couch.

Four Simple Ways To Save Money

Being self-employed, managing your own business and financials as an entrepreneur can be very rewarding, but at other times is challenging. Small businesses are still the backbone of the American economy with over 50% of them being operated from homes rather than traditional office environments. There are more than 22 million self-employed in the US with no additional employees or payroll expenses other than their owner.

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