
Self Made Archive

Will You Support Your Favorite Small Business?

It could be your local cupcake shop, neighborhood deli or even your friendly accountant -- all local entrepreneurs fueling not only their local economies, but our national economy as well. One of the things they all have in common is that they are part of a growing movement in America called the small business community. With every dollar you invest in a local, small business, the true entrepreneurial spirit of America continues to thrive. According to the Small Business Administration, more than half of Americans either own or work for a small business, and they create about two out of every three new jobs in the U.S. each year.

Encouraging Self-Employment Should Be a Focal Point of the New Small Business Administrator

Posted by Katie Vlietstra-- The Small Business Administration (SBA) is our nation's direct link between the administration and America's small business community. The agency provides benefits such as advocacy and support, loans and access to capital and entrepreneurial development to ensure the small business community continues to move our economy forward.

New Leader Announced for the Small Business Administration

Nearly one year after Karen Mills announced her resignation as head of the Small Business Administration, President Obama announced the nomination of Maria Contreras-Sweet to lead the organization pending Senate confirmation.

The New Year – Time to Get in Shape

Another holiday season has come and gone and hopefully all of your best wishes came true. Most of us are now focused on the New Year with high expectations and new commitments for success. And in many cases that includes those high minded New Year’s resolutions that probably include losing a few pounds or maybe just striving to get in shape. Committing to better health is a great way to start the year whether that includes a better diet, a daily walk or short jog, or maybe even just one less dessert each week. The key is to just pick something and then stick to it long enough to build a habit that leads to the result you want.

Happy New Year! You Get To Pay More Taxes.

Individuals and families will see a little less in their paychecks starting January 1, 2014- wage earners and self-employed individuals who make more than $200,000 (individual) and $250,000 (couple) will be assessed an additional .9% Medicare surtax on top of the existing 1.45% Medicare payroll tax as well as a 3.8% Medicare tax on unearned income (investment dividends, rental income, interest and capital gains on property).

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