
Self Made Archive

Safeguarding Computers From Power Surges and Outages [Guest Post]

Irregular power surges, voltage drops (brown outs), and outages can all cause irrevocable damage the internal components of your computer - find out how you can protect yourself.

National Small Business Week is Right Around the Corner

Posted by Javan Porter - If President Obama is the coach of the team for creating new jobs, his quarterback is small business. The coach may lay out the game plan but small businesses play the game. Small businesses have created two-thirds of new jobs in America. The President as the coach understands the importance of such a strong quarterback and has issued a proclamation announcing this year’s National Small Business Week for June 17th to 21st.

HRAs: A Way to Give Back

As a micro-business owner, you must make difficult decisions that carry ramifications that reach far beyond your office walls. Although the high health insurance costs that your employees face may worry you, an opportunity for you as the business owner to offer assistance is through a Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA).

Upcoming webinars: Affordable Care Act, Business Growth

Wondering how the Affordable Care Act (ACA) may impact your business, or how to achieve health business growth? Two webinars happening this week might have the answers you need.

Changes to the SBA Contract Rule for Women-Owned Small Businesses

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