TOP 30 Ways Repackaging Can Help Your Business!

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TOP 30 Ways Repackaging Can Help Your Business!

May 06, 2022
Open Box

What Is Repackaging?

Repackaging is the simple process of taking an existing product and giving it a new look or a new purpose by putting it in a different package. For example, it can be as simple as repackaging your products into smaller sizes and selling them on Amazon or repackaging your content into courses that you sell on Udemy. 

It might seem like a simple task, but it can actually be quite complicated in some cases because you need to create new packaging materials and marketing strategies to promote the new look. Also, if you repackage your product, you need to make sure that it does not diminish the quality of the product or its contents.

You may have found the perfect box for a product, but that doesn't mean you can use it all the time. Packaging is a dynamic element of your business. Over time, products change, and so do their packaging needs. Repackaging is also helpful when a customer wants to move from one package size to another or from wood to plastic pallets. The goal is to maximize efficiency and save money and space in the warehouse.

Known also as private labeling, repositioning, and rebranding, repackaging is the process of unpacking something and packaging it again, but in a new way that makes sense for your business, and then selling it as either a new product or an existing product in a new format, changing its appearance and perceived value in the market. Often, this means putting a product into a different container, but it can also mean adding labels to existing packaging. It can also be used to better protect the product during shipping, to improve its presentation, or even as a marketing tactic.

Changing the outer packaging of a product or service can generate some interesting results, so treat this accordingly!

In short, repackaging is the process of taking a product that is available for sale and putting it in a different container, or into multiple smaller containers, in order to make it more suitable for your business or your personal needs. In this sense, repackaging can be done in many different ways.

In the past, repackaging was often used to simply make products more attractive or break up bulk packs for sale in smaller quantities. Today, consumers are more aware of their environmental impact and are looking for ways to reduce waste. This has led to an increase in demand for repackaged goods as a way to cut down on unnecessary packaging.

Repackaging products can be beneficial for companies in a variety of different ways. For example, it can help increase sales of existing products by making them more appealing to consumers. New packaging can also make it possible to sell a product at a higher price than was previously possible, and in some cases, it can help create an entirely new market for a product.

Why Repackage In The First Place?

Repackaging can be an excellent way for businesses to make money and for customers to save money. Companies can charge more for products that are repackaged because they're more convenient or presentable. Consumers can save money when they buy products from repackagers because they're often buying in bulk, which reduces costs.

Repackaging products allow you to take advantage of an existing supply chain without having to invest in inventory yourself. If you're just starting out with e-commerce, this can be a great way to test the waters with a new product category while keeping your costs low. Repackaging can also be used as part of a marketing strategy because the right packaging can help you stand out on crowded shelves and make your brand more recognizable to consumers.

Repackaging can help you get more out of your existing packaging materials and make better use of space when shipping your goods. It can also help you present your products in various sizes or combinations at different price points - great for increasing sales volume!

  • From the cost perspective, there are definite advantages to repackaging existing products

  • One such advantage is reduced inventory costs. If you're repackaging existing stock, you don't need to order more raw materials or pay for additional labor and equipment. You also don't need to spend money on developing new packaging. If you're repackaging existing stock, you don't need to order more raw materials or pay for additional labor and equipment. You also don't need to spend money on developing new packaging.

  • If you're repackaging existing stock, you don't need to order more raw materials or pay for additional labor and equipment. You also don't need to spend money on developing new packaging.

Repackaged products are often cheaper than the original because they don't have to pay for things like TV commercials or print ads.

The most common reason for repacking products is to make them easier to move and store in warehouses. This can be especially useful if you have small items that are not sold individually and need to be put together before being delivered to the customer.

Another reason for repackaging your products is to change their packaging type from one that is not very environmentally friendly (such as plastic bags) to another that is more eco-friendly (such as paper bags).

Do You Know The Main Benefits Of Repackaging Products?

Simply put, there are three main reasons to repackage products:

  1. To target new customers

  2. Increase sales from existing customers

  3. To build a brand and stand out from the competition

Now, let’s expand those ideas a bit because there are many reasons why you might want to consider repackaging your products. Some of the benefits include:

  • Create more affordable packages for consumers. This can increase sales by enticing more people to buy your product. You can create more affordable packages by combining multiple items together. For example, a company might sell two items separately but also offer them together at a lower price. By doing so, they can reduce production costs while still offering customers lower prices. Also, if you have a product that you sell at $10 per item, but you can repackage it at $5 per item when selling three items or more, you can increase your sales as well.

  • Repackaging can help to create brand recognition. If you offer a similar product under a different name, it will give consumers another way to find your products. For example, one company might sell juice in packages of six, while another sells the same juice in packages of four. With repackaging, you can change the way a product looks and add your own branding to make it stand out from the competition.

  • Repackaging allows you to increase margins on existing products by increasing prices without reducing sales volume. This is an effective way to increase profits without investing in new technology or equipment.

More Benefits Include:

  • Increase sales of an existing product by making it more appealing to consumers through new packaging

  • Make it possible to sell a product at a higher price than was previously feasible.

  • Meet changing customer requirements, such as by removing artificial ingredients or additives from food products

  • To make use of excess stock that's not selling well with its current packaging.

  •  The ability to offer your customers different sizes and combinations without changing inventory levels or packaging design (and printing costs).

  •  The ability to reduce waste by using fewer materials overall - which saves money too!

  •  A more efficient way of storing products is because they can be stacked vertically rather than horizontally (which frees up space on shelves).

Repackaged products offer benefits for both businesses and customers. Ecommerce businesses, in particular, have two main advantages when it comes to repackaging products, and these include:

  1. Easier shipping - Items that are smaller, lighter, or packaged in a way that makes them easier to ship will often incur lower shipping costs than the original product.

  2. Selling more than one product - You can also use repackaging to sell multiple products at once, such as selling several small products in a gift set or selling multiple types of lotions in a box.

Now that we've discussed the benefits let's take a quick look at some of the top advantages as well.

How Repackaging Can Benefit Your Business - TOP 15 Advantages Of Repackaging Products

  • Save Time and Money with Repackaging - Repackaging helps you save money by reducing the need for overstocking.

  • Repackaging makes it easier for your customers to use your product.

  • Improve efficiency and safety.

  • More Shelf Space - Reduce the amount of wasted space in storage areas by maximizing the space in your packaging.

  • Transportation Ease.

  • Keep costs low and profits high - Reduce labor costs.

  • Repackaging Improves Product Quality.

  • Repackaging is an effective way to give your business a competitive edge.

  • Repackaging allows you to take advantage of bulk purchases and still sell items in smaller amounts.

  • Repackaging protects goods from theft or damage during shipment and transport or on store shelves.

  • Customization and Personalization - You can tailor your repackaging to your store's needs.

  • Environmental Impact (It can help you reduce waste).

  • It can be a fun and educational activity.

  • It can allow you to get more products to your customers faster.

  • It can keep your production lines moving and customers happy.

Repackaging Logistics And Processes

While consumers are focused on the product, businesses are focused on logistics and processes. This can drive packaging decisions as a result of optimizing for distribution, storage, and delivery to customers. This is particularly true for eCommerce companies that don’t have the luxury of handing a package to a customer at a point of sale.

Logistics and distribution companies can negotiate lower prices for packaging products by leveraging their volume for higher discounts. By eliminating the middleman, companies are able to save money in the long run by purchasing in bulk, as well as getting a better price.

The problem with this focus on logistics and processes is that it misses what’s important from the customer’s perspective — the product and how it’s packaged. If you treat packaging as an afterthought, you risk missing opportunities to delight customers, reduce costs, and grow revenue.

Some repackaging processes can be inefficient and costly (if they are not done right). For example, repackaging not done correctly the first time requires another employee to go back and fix the work, which creates more waste than if the product was packaged correctly in the first place.

As a logistics provider, you know that the services you offer your customers affect their brand image across their customer base.

In fact, according to McKinsey & Company’s 2014 report on e-commerce and product returns, 75 percent of all returns are due to product dissatisfaction. In other words, because of inadequate or inappropriate packaging, the goods arrived damaged or were defective.

It's up to you to make sure that your warehouse repackaging logistics and processes are watertight and protect your goods in the best way possible.

The Problem With Repackaging

You are probably aware that you can reduce your warehouse handling costs with better packaging. But did you know that your packaging can also reduce the cost of repackaging and improve the profitability of your company?

Warehouse repackaging is a necessary evil for many companies. It seems like a simple fix to respond to individual customer demands, but it can have a major impact on your bottom line if not done efficiently. From increased labor costs to an increased risk of product damage, there are many hidden costs associated with warehouse repackaging. Here are three of the common issues with warehouse repackaging:

  • Less waste - One of the biggest problems with warehouse repackaging is how much excess cardboard, filler materials, and tape are used. Businesses can cut down on waste and be more environmentally friendly by cutting out the middleman and buying materials in bulk so they don't have as much waste.

  • Consistent product quality - Another problem with warehouse repackaging is that it's largely done by hand by temporary workers. This makes it difficult to guarantee consistent quality across all packages. Eliminating the middleman means that companies can use automated packaging equipment that will deliver more consistent results across a broader range of products and product sizes.

  • Better customer experience - Warehouses often have to repackage products because they are damaged in transit due to poor packaging practices or because they have been mishandled during shipment. By using your own automated equipment or hiring a reliable 3PL provider, you can reduce these occurrences, which will lead to better customer experiences every time someone receives one of your shipments.

The warehouse of the future will use robotic processes to improve efficiency and reduce costs, but what will set it apart from today’s fulfillment centers is its ability to adapt to rapidly shifting consumer behavior.

In the past, warehouse operations were largely focused on inbound and outbound processes, but the customer-centric economy has shifted the focus to the middle of those two points: order fulfillment. New consumer expectations demand higher levels of efficiency and accuracy, and retailers are responding by investing in technology that can keep up with demand while delivering a personalized experience.

Some companies that were previously only interested in a logistics service provider for transportation are now looking to outsource the entire supply chain. With the ability to offer full-service logistics and 3PL services, companies can expand their business and gain competitive advantages.

Packaging Challenges Faced By Businesses

Every business faces unique challenges when it comes to its packaging processes. For example, one warehouse may have a problem with damaged products due to poor packing practices, while another is struggling with low-quality labels that fall off during shipping. However, there are some challenges that most businesses face:

  • Not having the right packaging materials on hand when needed;

  • Overstocking on packaging materials;

  • Understocking on packaging materials;

  • Damaged products due to poor or faulty packaging;

  • Inefficient and time-consuming packing

Take Control of Your Packaging for Improved Profitability

One of the most significant opportunities to improve profitability is through packaging. Many businesses struggle with determining the best way to implement a packaging process or improve an existing one. As a result, they end up overspending on inventory and warehousing space to store packaging materials that may or may not be used. The right packaging solution can help you reduce costs and increase productivity.

You know how you feel when you receive a poorly packaged shipment — it's frustrating and disappointing. So, why would you want to frustrate and disappoint your customers? If your products are damaged or arrive in disarray, that is exactly what will happen.

Shipping products can be challenging, especially if they are fragile, oddly shaped, or heavy. As a result, it is important to take the time and invest the resources required to make sure your products arrive in the same condition as when they left your warehouse. 

When you're sending your precious cargo to a new place, we know it can be tough to trust anyone with the responsibility of getting it there. You've spent so much time and energy creating something, and you want to make sure it gets where it needs to go—and doesn't get damaged along the way. 

Just think about it!

Nobody wants their products to arrive at their destination damaged. After all, if your products are damaged, you're out of money and your customers are out of luck. So what's the best way to ensure that your products are delivered safely? 

Shipping your product is not just about slapping a label on the box and hoping for the best. With that in mind, we’ve compiled together this list for you with 10+1 best practices for packaging, shipping, storage, and some tips & ways to ensure your products arrive safely at their destination:

  • Get a handle on the shipping process. Make sure you have a tracking system in place that is used throughout the shipping process, from receiving to final delivery. This will ensure you know where your products are at all times and that there is no question about when they will arrive. Make sure you have a tracking system in place that is used throughout the shipping process, from receiving to final delivery. This will ensure you know where your products are at all times.

  • Make sure you have a good adhesive on your labels. Use tape made out of good sticky materials so that your box stays sealed and you don’t have any surprises along the way.

  • Clearly label your packages with the name and address of the recipient. Label them clearly to prevent mishandling, and make sure they're stored in a way that is consistent with their labels.

  • If you're shipping items that can get damaged by the elements, be sure to wrap them in weatherproof materials.

  • When you pack your products up for transport, don't forget to label them as fragile, especially if it’s a fragile product you really know will crash if not handled properly! This will alert delivery drivers and workers that they need to take special care of them. Always double-box things that are especially vulnerable to damage, like a computer monitor or red wine glasses. Also, use bubble wrap/air pillows for extra cushioning.

  • Choose the right shipping container: It sounds simple, but many people choose the wrong size box or they re-use an old box that may not be sturdy enough. If you’re unsure what size to use, talk to your packaging supplier, but please make sure the boxes are big enough to fit the objects and they're packed tightly so they don't bounce around.

  • Filler should be used in your package: Your products should take up no more than two-thirds of the space in your package. Fill the remaining third with product fillers like bubble wrap, foam peanuts, or newspaper (even if the product is not fragile). Product filler is necessary in order to protect your items during shipping. By filling up your package with the things we said, you can ensure that your items will arrive undamaged. Package protection is important so treat this aspect serious.

  • Use packaging tape: You might think that scotch tape or duct tape will do; don’t waste your money. Invest in packing tape and you’ll never go back! The extra adhesive lasts longer and holds up better in transit.

  • Label with care: The last thing you want is for your package to be delayed because the address label is smudged or unreadable. Print out labels using clear fonts and don’t forget to include your return address.

  • Choose the right carrier & package carefully: Be sure to use appropriate packaging materials, including padding to protect the contents and plenty of tape. Keep your item secure with sturdy packing material and make sure it’s well-protected in case of an accident. Use a cardboard box rather than plastic or bubble wrap; it’s easier to find things in a cardboard box, and if the package is lost, there’s less chance that it will be damaged. Choose the right carrier based on the weight and size of the package, as well as how much time you have before it must arrive at its destination.

  • Store and ship at the recommended temperature—whatever that may be for your product.

Bonus TIPS!

Ship during the week and avoid shipping around a weekend or holiday, as this will extend transit time by several days.

Put a note in the box thanking the recipient for choosing your business and telling them you appreciate their patronage!

Let's say you've decided to change the packaging for your business. Maybe your current packaging is no longer working for you, or maybe you're just ready for a change. Whatever the reason, you need to find a repackaging company that can help you do the job right. But how do you choose? There are so many options out there! You may feel overwhelmed and confused. But don't worry, we've got your back.

Here is everything you need to know about repackaging companies for your business. You can use this information to make an informed decision that will serve your needs both now and in the future, so read on!

How To Choose A Repackaging Company

Your business is your baby. You put blood, sweat, and tears into it, you watch over it to make sure it's healthy, and everything you do is for its benefit. But what if your baby gets sick? What if your business needs a facelift? What if the world has changed and your baby just isn't as relevant anymore?

It's time to get a repackaging company on board. But not just any repackaging company, it's got to be the right one: one that will help you adjust to this new world and make sure your business is as healthy as possible—even if that means making some changes that are difficult in the short term.

When you're looking for a repackaging company, you probably don't know where to start. Do you just pick one of the ones that shows up when you google "repackaging companies?" Do you ask your friends? What if they don't know? What if they do, but they're mean and their recommendation is bad? You can check their website for reviews from other companies, but we want to let you know about something more here.

Luckily for you, we've been in the repackaging game and can make a few recommendations for you. We know what makes a good repackaging company great, so follow these simple steps, and you'll be well on your way to choosing the right partner for your business needs.

If you're thinking about moving to a new repackaging company, there are a few things you should consider. But first, let's take a look at what the benefits of doing so would be because there are many reasons to make the move, but here are our top three:

  1. You'll have more control over your business and its operations.

  2. If you choose wisely, you'll save money on your repackaging efforts.

  3. You can choose a company that specializes in the products that you need help with.

Now that we've covered what makes a move from one repackaging company to another so appealing, let's talk about how to pick the right one for your Business:

1. Do they have a process?

The right repackaging company will have a process they follow to ensure success every time. They'll know exactly how to handle every step of the process, from creation to implementation. 

Your new face has got to be perfect! 

2. What's their process?

Before hiring a packaging company, make sure that you understand their process and how they work with clients. Do they start by doing in-depth research on your business or do they jump right into the project? Start by making a list of any questions you might have about the process.

It is better to look for a company with experience working with products similar to yours. Do they have a track record of success, and do their products match up with the standards you want your product to achieve?

3. Is their process proven?

To know if their process is proven, ask them for case studies of projects they've completed in the past. But don't just look at their success stories—look at their failures as well. This will help you understand how they handled those situations and what their process was for solving the problem.

For example, here you can ask about the kinds of materials they use, and why they use those materials—is it just because that's what's cheapest, or is there a good reason? If the company has a good reason for their choice of materials, it will help ensure better quality control and make it easier for them to pivot if necessary to meet your needs.

4. Are they flexible?

A good packaging company should be flexible, especially when it comes to changes in scope or schedule. When you're hiring them, look for one that can adapt to your needs without compromising on quality.

5. How responsive are they?

 The last thing you want is to have to wait days, or even weeks for a response from your packaging company. You want someone that will respond quickly and efficiently.

Do your homework, ask friends in the industry, and try to get recommendations from those who've worked with repackaging companies before. Also, it is good to work with a company that has experience with both your type of product and the type of packaging you want.

Friendly Reminder!

Not all packaging companies are created equal. You want to make sure that the company you choose is as equally committed as you are to making your product the best it can be in every way.


Make sure they have:

  • Affordable shipping options.

  • Multiple ways of getting in touch.

  • Multiple ways of getting it done.

  • Their website is pretty (but not too pretty) :)

  • An on-site testing lab, or if they outsource lab services. This will determine whether they're able to give you quick results and stay on top of any changes that need to be made in order to meet regulations and keep your product safe.

In Conclusion

If your business is ready to take the next step in improving its sustainability, you may be thinking of repackaging some of your products. Repackaging is a great way to keep your product fresh and your customers happy while also reducing waste. But how do you choose which company to partner with? Here are the top 3 things to consider:

  • The company's reputation and history
  • Their expertise in repackaging
  • Their commitment to sustainability

You should choose a company that is:

  • Experienced in handling products like yours.
  • Able to take on as much or as little of your inventory needs as you'd like them to (given that they have the capacity).
  • Able to offer you custom options for packaging and other special requests.

The best way to choose a repackaging partner for your business is by looking at their history. You want to make sure they have experience working with businesses similar to yours and that they are knowledgeable about the products and materials they are working with. A good repackaging company will have years of experience working with companies like yours, so don't hesitate to ask them even the hard questions!

Hire A Professional For Repackaging!

When you're ready to repackage your product, we suggest you hire a professional, because it will make sure you get the right results. When you're looking to hire someone who can help repackage your stuff, sometimes it feels like the only way to find the right person is through a combination of luck and unending searching. Don't lose hope!

Repackaging is a very common strategy and involves sending products to foreign countries. Despite this, many people do not know how many things are repackaged across the globe. The purpose of this article is to inform potential clients about repackaging, how it works, and why it is necessary to use companies that provide this service. Repackaging companies keep detailed records of shipments, ensure their safety during the trip, store and then send all the material to the client. Usually these companies have an insurance policy to cover any losses that might occur.

It is excellent to have a repackaging company to hire. The reason behind this is that they can help you with all the package designing, packaging printing, and even shipping of your products. It is better to hire a company that has a lot of experience in order to get the best services. There are many companies that offer these services, and it is recommended that you do some research before deciding on one.

The company you choose will offer you a unique service, and it also guarantees the efficiency of their work and professionalism. The choice is quite simple: hire a repackaging company and let them do what they do best. It is important to choose the best one for you, offering quality services at affordable prices. You can also save a lot of time and money if you use their services as compared to doing the work yourself.

There are two types of repackagers: (1) companies that repackage a large number of products in a small number of packages, and (2) companies who repackage a small number of products in a large number of packages. The first type cannot guarantee that the package will be 100% unique. The second way of repackaging is recommended for those companies who want their products to be unique and be distinguished from others.

We've analyzed thousands of repackaging professionals, and we're here to share with you our Top 4 recommendations for the best repackaging companies:

Alpha Repackaging is a one stop solution to all your repacking needs. They are professionals with experience and knowledge of the industry to take care of any kind of repacking needs.

They offer all kinds of services, including:

  • Custom product development
  • Storage solutions
  • Labeling services

They have been helping companies, businesses, manufacturers and individuals with their repackaging needs for over 20 years now and guarantee you quality and on-time delivery for all your repackaging projects.

You can contact them today for all your transforming, converting, rebranding, and repackaging needs.

Omnipack - from Portland, Oregon USA
Multipack - Located in Chatsworth, Canada
Pack-All - From Ontario, Canada

If you want to learn more about these top repackaging companies, check out their methodologies on their site, or simply contact them directly for a quote.

These repackaging companies are excellent at what they do. They understand what it takes to create a great package. If you want the best, then you should consider quality over cost and find a repackaging company that you can trust to get the job done quickly, efficiently, and well.

In Conclusion

Repackaging can help your business minimize waste and increase efficiency, which saves space, energy, time and money (while being good for the environment).

More than that, repackaging isn't as difficult as it might sound, and it could be the right solution for your business needs because it helps you effectively market your business, which means greater revenue for your company. Repackaging is a smart move for businesses looking to cut costs while offering customers better packaging options.

I hope that you enjoyed this article and that it helped you determine which is the best repackaging company for your needs. If you haven't already, take a few minutes to check out the companies I recommended and evaluate them for yourself. They might not be the best fit for all situations, but there is always room for improvement.

The point of this article isn’t to hire any specific company. Instead, it’s intended to help you find the best repackaging company based on your own needs and better understand the process behind it.

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