Various Small Business Ideas That Have Worked Well In The Past

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Various Small Business Ideas That Have Worked Well In The Past

May 07, 2022

I am sure you have seen products for sale online, added them to your cart, left the store, headed over to another site, and bought that product there. It can happen to a lot of people. Many times, the price difference on the same product is fairly large, and that leads to an idea. What would be a good small business to start? 

Starting a small business is a great way to make money, supplement your income, and give you the freedom you deserve! There are many businesses that you can start without needing a lot of funding or employees. In the US, for example, there are over 28 million small businesses, and this number is growing every year. Starting your own business is one of the most exciting things you can do because it gives you a chance to make your ideas become a reality and rewards you with the satisfaction of finishing something you started.

So, what are the most successful small businesses? If you’re thinking about starting one, you might wonder what kinds of businesses have been the most successful in the past. While there is no way to know for sure what will be the best small business to start, the majority of research on this topic has shown that the following types of businesses we will discuss here are most likely to succeed. 

In fact, there are many kinds of small businesses that have worked well in the past and can generate good money. If you are into small business ideas, then this list will definitely help you out. Simply put, these insights can inspire you to come up with a business idea of your own or even make it better.

Starting your own business can be rewarding and profitable while at the same time also stressful and overwhelming, but if you have the right skillset and work ethic, there are many possibilities for starting your venture, don't you agree?

The first thing to consider is, "What do I want to do?" and "Do I have the skills to do it?". If you're not sure what you want to do, there are a whole range of tests that can help point you in the right direction.

If you know what you want to do but don't have the skills, it's time for some research. Do some online searches for people who are currently in that business and find out what skills they think are important. Look at job descriptions for positions in that field. Is this something you want to do? Is it something you can learn?

One option is to join an existing company as an employee. You will gain both experience and contacts while making a living. You can then branch out on your own when the time is right.

Another option is to take a leap of faith and start right now. The best way to do this is by starting part-time while continuing with your current job. This gives you a chance to see if your idea will work without risking too much.

I started my first business when I was still in high school. It was a lawn mowing service, which was actually quite lucrative. My customers paid me with cash, and my mom would deposit the money into my savings account. I saved up over $1,000 in a few months and invested it in a Dell computer. (I had a laptop and a PC earlier, but they were given by the family, not my credit)

So you started at 15?

I was working at Staples and saving up money, but I had no idea what to do with it. One day, I was talking to a co-worker who worked at the investment company, Smith Barney. He told me that if I saved $1,000, he could show me how to invest it in stocks. It seemed too good to be true because the minimum amount for an account was $3,000. He told me that he could do it for me because I was his friend. So I started saving, and within 3-6 months, I had the money to open an account.

I opened an account with him at Smith Barney in 1997 and started learning about investing. I bought some stocks, and it worked out pretty well, so I kept doing it. A few years later, I moved my account to Ameritrade because they offered free trades and didn't charge any fees.

When I started, I was making about $28,000 a year and had to pay taxes on that money as well as save up for the initial investment of $3,000 for the IRA account. So saving was difficult because I was paying out a lot in taxes and also saving for retirement, so it took me about six years to build up my account to $50,000. In 2001, when I had enough money saved up, I decided to move everything into the S & P 500 index fund.

As the years went by, I started to learn more about investing and became more interested in individual stocks and other asset classes. So I added some funds that were diversified into different areas of the market. By 2007, my account had grown to $100,000 and was invested in several funds, including a large-cap growth fund, a mid-cap growth fund, a small-cap value fund, a REIT fund, an international stock fund, and a money market account.

There is a lot to cover here, but as you can see, you can start small, even from the high school period, and by the time you are 20–30, you can develop some really useful skills in life.

Moving on, the businesses listed below have higher profit margins than average and are technically so easy to set up that you can get started with almost no money at all. There are successful small businesses all over the country, with so many different ones to choose from, and it can be difficult to decide where to start, but here are some of the Top 10 rated small business ideas for new entrepreneurs that we prepared for you:

  • Establish an office cleaning business.

  • Offer bookkeeping and accounting services.

  • Become a craft vendor at a flea market or farmers' market.

  • Become a consultant for small business owners.

  • Landscape design and maintenance.

  • Provide landscaping services.

  • Offer event planning and caterers services.

  • Consider the interior design business.

  • Tutor & Test Prep at an Institution or even Online (Udemy, Skillshare, Coursera, Youtube, etc.)

  • Work as a freelance writer or copywriter.

  • Offer personal training and fitness coaching.

  • Become an online social media assistant.

  • Sell on Etsy or another e-commerce site.

Also, if you are more into online marketing, you can try these as well:

  • Digital Marketing Services for Companies

  • Affiliate Marketing

  • Freelance writer (for online and print magazines, blogs, and other publications), proofreader, and copy editor

  • Graphic Design Services Provider or Web Designer/Developer

  • Online Music Teacher

  • Social Media Manager & Consultant

  • Blogging

  • Etsy

  • Drop Shipping Businesses

The most successful small businesses are those that meet a need that is not being met by the market. They are nimble, lean, and take advantage of technology to maximize their resources.

By far, the easiest business to start is the one you can start now! There are many possible answers to this question regarding what is the easiest business to start, mainly because it depends on your skills, experience, network, and wealth.  

For example, if you have a lot of money or investors willing to fund your business, starting a brick-and-mortar retail business like a coffee shop may be easy for you. However, if you don't have money or investors, then you will need to find a way to raise funds. You could get a loan from the bank, but that can be difficult if you don't have any collateral or assets to put up against the loan. 

If you are an experienced software developer with no money and no network of people who can provide funding, starting a software development firm would not be easy for you. However, if you are an experienced software developer with friends and family that are willing to invest in your idea (or if you already have a great reputation in your community), then it would be easy for you. 

Whatever your skills or experience, one thing is certain: the easiest business to start for YOU is the one you can start right now. Start by thinking about what type of business excites and motivates you. If there's something that really gets your juices flowing, that's a great place to start.

We suggest you take a look at the course "The $100 Startup", which gives you a blueprint for getting started with an online business and makes it easy to launch your first business without investing a lot of time or money. If you're interested in finding out more about how to get started with your own online business, you can check out first the book "The $100 Startup" by Chris Guillebeau.

You can also start the simplest business of all — buying and selling. There are a lot of options to choose from:

  • Buy things, fix them, and sell them on eBay or Craigslist (or your own website if you have one).

  • Buy wholesale or liquidation goods and resell them on Amazon FBA or other platforms.

  • Buy things at clearance sales, put them up for sale on eBay, Craigslist, Amazon, etc.

  • Dropship items from other websites that are not on any marketplaces like Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, OfficeMax, etc.

You can start with the above. I've done each one of these myself successfully.

In general, there are three main types of small businesses to start:

  • Service businesses (e.g., dog walking, web design, car repair, cleaning services)

  • Businesses that sell products (e.g., retail, shops, stalls, reselling through Amazon FBA)

  • Creating your own product or service (e.g., an app, an eCommerce store) 

Consulting services can be a great small business idea if you have experience in a particular field and are able to share your knowledge with others. You can offer advice on any subject or provide expert guidance and assistance with a particular task.

Some of the most popular consulting services are in the fields of health, education, technology, management, and accounting. However, there is no limit to what you can offer your clients. If you have knowledge or experience in any area, then it could be worth looking into providing consulting services to small businesses.

The easiest business to start is a business you can start while working full-time. Most people who want to pursue entrepreneurship full time don't have the luxury of being able to quit their day job right away. So when you're thinking about starting a company, think about how you can do it while working at your current job. If you ask me, the best way to start a new business is to leverage your existing skill sets.

For example, if you're currently a designer with a great portfolio and your side hustle is designing brochures for other companies on Fiverr, then why not start your own brochure design firm? You already know how to do the work, and you already have clients you can use as references.

Overall, I think the ones that are not capital-intensive and don’t require a lot of fixed assets are the easiest businesses you can start right now.

Here are a few that I think fit that bill.

  • Service businesses - plumbing, electrical, roofing, cleaning, etc.

  • Consulting - if you have expertise in a field and can sell your knowledge.

  • Freelancing is the same as consulting but more focused on specific skills like writing or graphic art.

  • eCommerce: selling other people's products via Amazon, eBay, etc.

As with any small business idea, you need to carry out market research before deciding on a particular service or product. Starting on your own requires a plan, and you need to make sure that your idea is viable. Our today’s article is designed to give you some direction. We’ll give a little insight as to what business ideas work best because it’s important in life to have a plan, a goal – something you want to achieve.

To be successful, you need the right tools and guidance to hit all of your targets. By no means is this list comprehensive, but it is a step forward on your path of fine-tuning your ambitions into lucrative ventures.

Before you start writing your business plan, take a look at some sample business plans for farms, food growers, food production facilities, and other agriculture-related businesses. These, and hundreds of more sample business plans, are included in LivePlan. Thus it's the fastest way to create a business plan for your business, so it's time to learn more about business planning software here!

Below are the key steps you should follow when developing your business plan for your farming business:

  • Write your executive summary last.

  • Write a company description that explains what you do.

  • Write a market analysis that proves you understand the market and its opportunities.

  • Describe your company's organizational structure and management.

  • Define your product or service.

  • Create a marketing plan that proves you understand your customers and how to reach them.

  • Describe how you will manage inventory and fulfill orders (if applicable).

  • Explain how you will finance your farming venture and make it profitable (i.e., write your financial projections).

The most successful small businesses are still those that start with a great idea, add some solid business sense and hard work, and enjoy the benefits of a strong market. The advantage of starting from scratch is that your business can be as unique as you are. Even if your product or service is similar to others on the market, it’s likely that you can put your own twist on things to make it stand out.

However, starting a business from the ground up is tough. You have to get everything right, from finding funding to choosing the right name, location, and premises to hiring the right people. If you don't have much experience in running a business, you might want to consider buying an established one instead.

The truth is that at one time or another, every entrepreneur and independent contractor has considered starting a small business. The micro-economy, the prevalence of the Internet, and the increase in freelance work make it easier than ever to do so. Yet there's no shortage of aspiring entrepreneurs at the starting gates. 

There are several factors to consider when determining which business has the highest likelihood of success, such as:

  • Cost of entry, Potential Profit & Timing of the Market

  • Ease of startup & Legal structure

  • Financing Options

  • The type of business and management style required to succeed (somehow the most important aspect)

  • Potential for Growth, Self-sufficiency, Stability, and scalability of the business model

  • Skills & Personality

Cost of Entry

Starting a new business requires an investment. The larger the business, the greater the cost. For example, a retail store costs more to set up than a service-based small business such as graphic design or computer programming. When starting a new business, you need to consider what your time is worth and how much money you can invest.

Also, take into consideration the Potential Profit. When starting a new business, you need to determine if the product or service you are offering is going to sell. Is there a market for your idea? Are there competitors in the area already? What makes your business stand out from the rest? These are all questions that must be answered before starting a new business.

Timing of Entry

It’s important to enter the market at the right time. The best time to start a new business is when the market is growing. For example, starting a flower shop in a town that just had a large influx of new residents would be a good time to start.

Ease of startup

  • How much does it cost to start a business? 

  • How much of an investment is required? 

  • Does the business require a license or certification, and if so, how difficult is it to obtain? 

  • Can you run the business from home, or will you need to rent office space? 

  • What are the requirements for advertising, and what is the cost? 

  • How difficult is it to hire employees?

A good home business idea should be something that interests you and is sustainable. You can do this by taking a look at your own passions, interests, and talents to see if any of them could be turned into a profitable product or service.

Good Home Business Ideas:

  • Food or beverage products.

  • Child-related products and services

Home-based businesses are growing rapidly in popularity as more people seek the freedom and flexibility of working from home. Whether you just need a little extra income or are hoping to build a full-time career from home, there are many things you can do to help make that happen.

It used to be that most small businesses were started from home. But increased competition, stricter zoning laws, and the rising cost of office space have made it much more difficult to work out of one's house. But that doesn't mean it has become impossible. For the right kind of business, starting a company at home can still be a good idea. Here are a few tips:

Decide what kind of business you want to start. A business run from home may be limited by zoning regulations or outright banned in some areas, so think carefully about what kind of business you want to start. Get a license or permit as needed by your local government. Many cities and even some towns require you to obtain a license or permit if you run your business out of your home. Check with your local authorities before proceeding with your plans.

Obtain any necessary insurance for your business activities. You may need homeowner's or renter's insurance, auto insurance, or commercial liability insurance, depending on the nature of your business. Talk to an agent about coverage options that meet both your needs and the requirements of the law.

Keep separate bank accounts for personal and business expenses, including credit cards (if applicable).

A home business (or "home-based business" or "HBB") is a small business that operates from the business owner's home office. In addition to location, home businesses are usually defined by having a very small number of employees, usually all immediate family of the business owner, in which case it is also a family business. Home businesses generally lack shop frontage, customer parking, and street advertising signs. Such businesses are sometimes prohibited by residential zoning regulations.

The term "home-based business" is often used to describe a wide range of small and sole proprietorships (also known as "mom and pop shops"). Other terms used to describe such businesses include:

  • cottage industry

  • cottage trade

  • cottage business

  • home-based enterprise

  • home-grown enterprise

  • microbusiness

  • small office/home office (SOHO)

  • What legal structure should I use?

  • What about taxes and other government fees? 

  • Do you need special insurance coverage, such as workers’ compensation insurance or liability insurance?

  • How much will these things cost, and how difficult will they be to obtain?

  • Will you have to deal with unions or other groups representing employees?

Financing Options

You will need to decide how much money you need to start your business and how much money you can afford to invest in it. 

You can use personal savings or take out a loan from the bank or another financial institution. The SBA offers loans for small businesses and provides a list of loan programs at the Small Business Administration ( 

The SBA also provides a financial self-assessment tool to help you determine how much money you need to start your business and how much money you can afford to invest in it.

How much money will you need to start your business? It depends on what type of business you plan to start. Some businesses can be started with little or no cash investment, while others require a substantial amount of capital to get started. In general, product-based businesses require less money to startup than service businesses. Businesses that are financed by credit cards or loans may need to pay substantial fees and interest and will have a greater risk of failure.

The following questions will help you estimate your startup costs:

  •  Do you plan to purchase inventory?

  •  What types of equipment or machinery will you need?

  •  Will you need office furniture and fixtures? 

  •  How much does it cost to open a retail space in your area? 

  •  Do you plan to hire employees? 

  •  What are the minimum wage laws in your area? 

  •  How much will you need to pay for workers’ compensation insurance? 

  •  Will you need a vehicle to transport inventory or supplies?

These questions can help you determine your startup costs. You may also want to visit your local bank or Small Business Administration (SBA) office for assistance with financing. 

In addition, there are other government programs as well that provide financing and can help you out ;)

Type of business and management style required to succeed

Starting a business is an exciting time. It can also be very challenging and difficult. If you’re serious about starting a business, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what your goals are, what type of business is best suited for your personality and skillset, and how much money you can realistically expect to make from the venture.

What are my skills & strengths?

  • Are you good at managing people? 

  • Are you able to run a tight ship and stay organized? Or are you more of a creative type?

  • What are your passions? 

These are all important questions to ask yourself when determining what type of business you should start. It’s also important to consider whether or not you have the skills necessary to succeed in your chosen industry. If you don’t, it may be best to start small and work your way up before launching a full-scale business.

What do I like & dislike?

When deciding on a business idea, it’s important to consider your interests and dislikes. Do you enjoy cooking? Maybe you should start a catering business. Are you passionate about the environment? Perhaps you should consider starting an organic gardening service. Consider all of your likes and dislikes when choosing a business idea so that it’s something that will interest you for years to come.

What am I good at?

Is there something that comes naturally to you? Maybe you have an incredible memory or are extremely organized. Think about your skills and how you can apply them to a business idea.

What am I not good at? The opposite of what you're good at maybe something that you need to work on. Perhaps you are disorganized or don't have much patience. Don't let this discourage you, however! Even though these traits may be a challenge for you, they could also become your strengths if you learn to use them in the right way.

What do I know about it?

You don’t have to be an expert on a subject to be able to start a business. If you love baking, consider starting a business selling homemade cookies. Maybe you are really good at playing the guitar and could teach lessons to other people who want to learn how to play. What do you know about it?

What do I like?

It's important that you enjoy what you do. Otherwise, it will become too much of a job, and your passion will go out the window. When you enjoy what you do, it's easy to be passionate about it and want to work hard at it. 

If you are starting a business because you need a job, but don’t actually like what you will be doing, then it is probably not going to work out well for you. So figure out what kind of business would be fun for you and go with that! You will have more success if you enjoy what you are doing.

Starting your own business is exciting and challenging. The first step to starting a small business is to decide what type of business you want to start. This can be a daunting task as the possibilities are endless.

There are many advantages to starting a home-based business:

  • Save money on overhead expenses such as rent, utilities, and commuting costs.

  • Stay close to family and friends.

  • Work in a comfortable environment.

  • Earn a living doing something you enjoy. 

There are many types of home-based businesses. Here are some suggestions to help you decide what type of business to start: 

Decide if you want to work for yourself or for others. For example, you can start a home-based business that offers consulting services, freelance writing, graphic design, bookkeeping and accounting services, web design and development services, sewing classes, cooking classes, or catering services. You can also choose to work for an employer by starting a home-based business as a sales representative or distributor for a company.

If you’re considering starting a home-based business, it’s important to research the industry in which you want to work. Doing so will help you decide if there is enough demand for your services and whether or not your home-based business will be profitable.

Choose an appropriate location. Your home may be the perfect place to start your business, but you may need more space if you plan on hiring employees or having inventory. You may also need to rent an office or storefront.

Get your business license. If you plan on selling products, you’ll need a business license and possibly a sales tax number.

Set up your home office. This will help make it clear to visitors that this is where you work. Set up an attractive desk area with your computer, telephone, printer, fax machine, and any other items necessary for running your business.

Determine the best time of day to take calls or schedule appointments. You may want to set aside a specific time of day for taking calls and appointments.

How many hours will you work? Many home-based businesses are operated part-time, with the owner working only a few hours each week or month. Other home-based businesses require the owner to be on call 24/7 in case customers need help or have questions.

Determine how much time you can realistically devote to your business, and then schedule your hours accordingly.

How much will you charge? Some home-based businesses charge a flat rate for their services, while others charge by the hour. The hourly rate may be based on how much time is spent working or on the value of the service. 

If you are an accountant, for example, you might bill your clients by the hour for each task performed, such as preparing a tax return or performing an audit. On the other hand, if you own a dog-walking business, you might offer packages that include a certain number of walks for a set price.

Will you offer an employee discount? Employees who work for home-based businesses often qualify for a discount on the products or services they provide. The same might be true for contractors and other independent workers who are brought in to help with specific projects.

The Internet is another great resource when it comes to finding out about home-based businesses. You can find listings of many examples of great home-based businesses by visiting business directories, such as

Potential for Growth

It's important to consider whether there is room for growth in your business idea. For example, you might start out making handcrafted dog collars and leashes, but could you eventually expand into pet beds and toys? Is there potential for growth in the market as well? If your company can't grow, it's not likely to be a good business idea.

Will you be able to generate revenue immediately, or will there be a learning curve before you can begin making money? Some businesses have the potential to grow, while others are more stable. For example, starting a bakery will require you to buy equipment and hire employees. If your business expands, you may need to purchase more space or add additional equipment.

There's a good chance you've been hearing about small business success stories all your life. But there's also a good chance you're sick of hearing about them.

The thing is, these stories are true. There are hundreds of thousands of small businesses that have made it big thanks to their amazing products and services, their fantastic marketing, and the dedication of their management and staff.

Of course, it's not just these factors that contribute to a company's success. We've also considered the potential growth of each company in our ranking, as well as the overall market health or niche they're in.

How you define "success" is up to you, but if you measure it by total revenues, here are the most recent statistics for the highest-grossing small businesses in the United States:

  • Accounting, tax prep, bookkeeping, payroll services.

  • Lessors of real estate.

  • Legal services.

  • Outpatient care centers.

  • Offices of real estate agents and brokers.

  • General medical and surgical hospitals.

  • Offices of lawyers.

  • Offices of dentists.

  • Restaurants and other eating places.

  • Other schools and instruction.


Starting a service-based business has a lower risk of losing your investment because you don't have large equipment costs or inventory. 

The most you'll lose is your time and labor. You will find yourself in a better place if there are many people, including friends & family members, who are supporting you on your entrepreneurial journey.

Interesting Facts!

Small businesses are privately owned corporations, partnerships, or sole proprietorships that have fewer employees and/or less annual revenue than a regular-sized business or corporation. 

Businesses are defined as "small" in terms of being able to apply for government support and qualify for preferential tax policies. This varies depending on the country and industry. Many Small Business Administration programs only apply to businesses with fewer than five hundred employees (in the US).

 The Australian Fair Work Act 2009 defines small businesses as having 15 or fewer employees. The European Union defines small businesses as having 50 or fewer employees.

In 2012, the number of small businesses in Australia was estimated to be 2.13 million, representing 97% of all businesses in the country.[1] In Canada, small businesses make up 98% of all businesses.[2] In Finland, small businesses account for 80%–90% of employment.[3]

Approximately 99% of all business enterprises in India are classified as small-scale [4] and employ about 60% of the country's workforce.[5] According to statistics from the United States Census Bureau, 543,835 employer firms operated in America in 2011.[6] Of this total number of firms, 5.2 million were small businesses with fewer than 100 employees.

Skills & Personality

Consider your skills and personality when deciding whether to start a business. If you enjoy working with people, a service-based business may be more suitable for you. If you have the technical skill, consider starting a product-based business. If you are detail-oriented, it may be better to start a business that requires precise planning. If you enjoy working with your hands, a manufacturing or production business may be the right choice for you. In the end, the most important question to ask yourself is: What do I enjoy doing? If you love doing it, you will likely be successful.

Identify what you enjoy doing. When you start your own business, you will be investing a lot of time and energy into the venture. Generating ideas for a business is easier than evaluating those ideas and choosing one that is best suited to you and your market.

To start a small business, choose a niche market that isn't too crowded with other competitors. Next, research your target market, so you know who your customers are and how to appeal to them. The moment you have your idea, write a business plan that includes all the necessary details about your company and its products or services, then get financing if necessary. You might also consider hiring an accountant or lawyer to help with taxes and legal issues in your area.

Now that you have the initial steps out of the way, it's time to start marketing your small business! Start by creating a website for your business so people can learn about it online. Then, connect with local businesses, such as restaurants and retail stores, so you can offer discounts from each other's companies. You can also create social media accounts on Facebook and Twitter, where customers can check in when they visit your shop!

More things to consider >

Product / Service Ideas - Do you have a product or service idea that will work in your community? Is there a need for it? Will people pay for it? Are there similar businesses in your area already? How will your business be different from theirs?

Access to Resources - Are you prepared to start your business? Have you saved enough money for startup costs? Do you have access to any funding or grants that could help with the cost of opening your business? What kind of physical space will you need for your business? Will it be in an office building, a warehouse, a retail space, or somewhere else? Do you have the money to rent or buy this space?

Market demand: Is there a need for your product or service in the marketplace? If not, your business idea is likely to fail. You should look at the overall market for your business idea. Are there enough people interested in your product or service? If not, will you be able to find a niche market where there is demand?

If you have an excellent idea, but no one wants it, then you won't make any money. This is why it's important to do some research before starting a business. You can also use online tools like Google Trends to see if people are searching for your product or service.

Target market: Who is your target market, and how are you going to reach them? Just think about it! Who is most likely to buy your product or service? Is there a large enough group of potential customers? If not, your business idea is likely to fail.

Startup Costs - What will it cost to start your business? How much money do you have saved up? Do you need a loan or any other financial assistance? What about startup grants or microloans?

Operating Costs - How much will it cost to run your business each month, and how will you cover those costs? Will there be any other monthly expenses, such as advertising, utilities, or rent? What about insurance and licenses?

Competition: Is there a similar product or service already on the market? If so, how will you compete with it? If not, how can you create demand for your product or service?

Consider whether there is competition in your industry. It's important to do your research and look at the market to see if there are any similar businesses or products already out there. Consider how you will differentiate yourself from your competitors. Do you have a unique product or service that others don't offer? Are you targeting a different demographic? If so, how will this impact your business idea?

And there you have it: the steps to starting a business. If you follow these steps, I am sure that you will be successful! For more information on business planning and starting a business, visit

What would be a good small business to start?

The first thing to consider when starting a business is your own strengths and weaknesses.

  • If you are not good at being organized, do not start a business that requires a lot of organization.

  • If you are not good at interacting with people, do not start a business that requires lots of interaction with staff or customers.

  • If you are the type of person who sets goals and then follows through on those goals, this is an indication that you might be able to successfully start and run a small business.

  • If you have been successful in your previous endeavors, this is another indication that you might be able to successfully start and run a small business.

A business is only as good as the people behind it. That's a fact. If you have a head for business and a mind that can be trained to think innovatively, it will go a long way towards creating your own successful small business.

The most important thing is to find something that you're passionate about and that you can use to make money. Whether you sell goods or services, remember that you are running a business; and just like any other business on the planet, yours needs to make money too.

The problem with starting your own small business is that there are a lot of pitfalls along the way. First, you need to find an idea that will work in your area; then, you need to figure out how to bring it to life; and finally, you need to market it, so people will actually buy what you're selling.

For all these reasons, opening your own small business can be a risky venture; but when it works out well, it can also be incredibly rewarding.

There are so many options. You just need to find one that you are passionate about and comfortable with. Some of the businesses that I think are good to start out on a small scale:

  1. A food truck business

  2. A dog walking business/pet sitting/house sitting service (website and Facebook page needed), which can be later expanded to:

    1. Pet food delivery service.

    2. Dog training service.

    3. Doggie daycare/boarding facility. 

    4. Dog clothing company. 

  1. An accounting firm

    1. At least with an accounting firm, you'll have someone to take care of the paperwork. :)

    2. Just remember that you will need some basic experience to be able to pull this off successfully.

  2. A cleaning service for offices or homes

    1. For this type of business idea, you need to have good organizational skills, the ability to follow instructions, pay attention to details, and be responsible. You also need to be able to clean properly. Some training may be required before you start cleaning offices or homes.

  3. Catering service for parties and events

  4. A consulting firm (if you have any special expertise)

    1. Consultants in demand are not just from the world of business. Doctors, dentists, lawyers, architects, and many others who have good knowledge of their trade can start a consulting firm.

    2.  If you want to consult businesses about how to improve their performance or increase profits, you should have some experience in business yourself. You also need to be able to show that your suggestions will result in money savings or increased revenue. Consultants usually work on an hourly basis.

  5. A salon/spa business

  6. An event management business

  7. A photography business

  8. A painting business

  9. Snow Removal Business

  10. A party planning business (i.e., events, baby showers, etc.)

    1. A business idea that you can outsource to others.

    2. Startup expenses: $0–$500

    3. Earnings potential: $1,000+ per month

Regarding the first one, it has been a long-time dream of mine. I love food, and the idea of starting my own business doing something that I love is really exciting. But it's not as easy as just jumping into it.

You will need to start small, with one truck, but eventually have several trucks and perhaps even a brick-and-mortar restaurant.

Regarding the 5th point, there are so many opportunities for this type of business, and you can find many businesses like this in the local area, I’m sure of that.

You will have to do some research to find out which catering service is good for you and where you can start. This is a very profitable business idea, especially if you have a lot of events going on in your city.

Starting a business is not easy, but there are people who have made it happen and succeeded. You can also be one of them by coming up with great business ideas and working hard to achieve your goals. 

There are so many things that you can do to be successful in this business, but the most important thing is that you have to work hard for it. If you want your business to succeed, you will have to dedicate yourself to its success. 

It will not happen overnight, but with enough determination and hard work, you can achieve your goals.

Another thing that you need to consider when starting a catering service is how much money you are willing to invest in your business. Think about the cost of starting up a catering service because you will have to rent a kitchen, buy a vehicle for your business, and many other things. You will also have to purchase equipment and supplies such as utensils, tablecloths, plates, and glasses.

Another important factor that you need to consider when opening a catering service is the location of your business. It would be best if you could choose a location that is near a lot of hotels, restaurants, and event halls, or that is near offices where people are working. If you are able to find a good location, then it will be easier to promote it because people who go to work every day will pass by your place.

The last thing that you need to consider when starting a catering service is the type of food that you want to serve. You should make sure that you are serving the type of food that people will like, so they will come back and order more.

Regarding the 7th point

As you probably know, this industry is very profitable. In fact, it’s one of the most profitable businesses in the world. Why? Because there are a lot of people who want to look good and feel good about themselves. And because it’s an industry that people will pay big money for (not to mention tip generously). What makes this business idea so attractive is that it has some low startup costs. All you need is some space, equipment, and some good training.

A tanning salon is another great business idea you can start yourself with.

Tanning salons are very profitable, especially if you run a high-end place. You see, most people want to look good and feel good about themselves. And tanning salons help them do that (in addition to the health benefits). But here’s the problem: it’s expensive! So it makes sense to go into this business if you have some capital behind you. 

You can open a tanning salon for as little as $50,000. But if you have the capital to start this business, you can do it for much less than that. Just make sure you get enough funding to open your own shop, and then just keep on working at it.

A tanning salon is not an easy business to start, but if you know what you're doing and how to run one, it's definitely worth your time and effort. You just have to keep on working at it and make sure that you get customers in your salon. The hard part is getting them in the door, but once they're there, you'll know how to run a successful business because this is a type of loyalty-based business.

Moving on, the event management business is an area that is growing at a rapid pace. In fact, according to statistics, the events management industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world.

The event management sector involves managing all types of events such as sports events, corporate events, charity and fundraising events, business conferences and exhibitions, music concerts, and so on. If you are good at planning and organizing things and you have experience in this field, or if you have a keen interest in event management, then you can start your own event management company.

Event planning is not as easy as it seems, and that is why it takes years of experience to become a successful event planner. But if you have all the required skills, then you can start your own event management company with ease. 

You can also get help from other professionals, such as wedding planners and event coordinators, to get started in this business.

Regarding the photo business, a lot of people are looking for photographers these days, so there is a huge market out there. 

With the right equipment and a little knowledge, you can be on your way to making money in no time. To start your own photography business, you will need:

A Camera – This doesn’t have to be an expensive one. You can find a good DSLR for 500–800 euros. If you don’t know what kind of camera to get, try looking at different models online or going to the store and playing around with them. 

Tripod – Having a tripod is essential if you want to take pictures in low light conditions. You can get a good tripod for around 50 euros. 

A laptop—you will need this to process your photos and put them on your website. It doesn't have to be a super expensive one. Just make sure it can handle the job.

Hosting (for site and photos)– Make sure you have enough space for all of your pictures and also enough space for all of your videos. I recommend storing them on a 2 TB external flash drive and also getting the 2 TB backup from Adobe (including the Photoshop suite).

A domain name – You will need this to put your website on the Internet. This can be purchased from Namecheap.

WordPress Theme – The theme you choose is very important because it is what determines how your website looks and feels. I have chosen the Traveler theme for my site, which is available at Themeforest.

TIP-Use this app!

VSCO: If you’re looking for a way to make your photos look more professional, then this is the app for you. It comes with a ton of editing tools and allows you to share your photos on social media sites like Instagram.

 This is a great photo editing app for professional photographers and those who want more control over their photos. The app has a variety of editing tools, including contrast, highlights, shadows, saturation, and sharpness. 

You can also apply filters to your photos or add textures. You can also import photos from other apps like Google Photos or Dropbox and save them as presets so you can quickly edit those photos in the future.

Painting Business

With the cost of painting supplies and equipment falling, it is a great time to get into this business. With a good knowledge of color and paint mixing, you can start your own painting business.

There are many companies that need their buildings painted regularly. Offering your services to these companies can be an excellent way to build up a client base for your new business. The biggest advantage to offering your services to other businesses is that they will be returning customers.

Take into consideration the size of the building that you are painting. You need to have enough paint and equipment to complete the job.

A new business idea is to start a snow removal service.

Snow plowing is an important service for many people, especially those who live in areas where it snows often. You can find many potential customers by putting up fliers in neighborhoods or around your local community. Many people will appreciate this kind of service, and they will want to call on you again next year.

However, a snow removal service can be very expensive to start up. There are many costs involved in the beginning. If you do not have much money, you may want to start small and do some part-time work until you can afford to buy a plow and other equipment. You will also need some insurance, which is another cost that you will have to pay if you want your business to be legal.

If your state has certain requirements for being a snow removal service, you will have to follow them. You may need a business license and possibly a bond. It is very important that you know what your state requires of you if you want to be successful in this type of business.

The equipment needed for snow removal can vary from small snow shovels to large plows. You will also need shovels, brooms, and other tools. If you are doing the work yourself, you will need these tools so that you can do the job quickly and efficiently. If you are using the equipment to get your business started, you will want to purchase it used. This is a great way to save money, and it will also allow you to build up your inventory of equipment as time goes on.

When hiring people for snow removal, make sure that they have all of the necessary experience and skills needed for this type of work. You don't want to get your equipment damaged by untrained people. They should be well-trained in safety precautions so that they can avoid accidents when working with heavy machinery or when they are working on a slippery surface.

If you are just starting out, it is probably best to start with a small amount of equipment so that you can get the hang of running your business and making money from it. You will want to buy enough equipment so that you can handle all of the jobs that come in during the busy season. You don't want to be stuck doing jobs yourself if you don't have enough employees or machinery for them.

Now, if you ask me, I personally think that starting a tech business nowadays is much easier because you don't have to worry about inventory and shipping. I would recommend building a website or an app that helps people with something.

A few examples here:

  • You can build a tool that helps salespeople cold email more efficiently. 

  • Make an app that allows people to track their expenses. 

  • Build an app to schedule meetings with other people. 

  • Or build an app for brand managers to find social media influencers on Instagram.

I know, I know, they are not unique ideas, but hey, was Facebook the first social network? No!

The key here is to identify a problem and create a solution for it. You can start by doing some research online to see what problems people are having and how they are talking about them. Then you can think of a solution and use Google or YouTube to learn how to code it yourself, or if you have the budget, hire someone to build it for you!

In the big city, we can find many different services, from designing a website to producing a film. All of these services are very important for many different companies, but what business services are in high demand nowadays?

Website design

We can find many websites on the Internet. Each company has its own website that they use to promote its goods and services. The better the website looks, the more customers it will attract. That is why some people work as web designers, creating unique sites for clients all over the world. Website designers earn a lot of money, so this is a good profession if you are interested in it. If you want to learn how to create your own website, you can start with the free resources from Google.

Mobile app development

Another service that is popular among many companies is mobile app development. Many businesses need applications for both Android and iOS, and they hire specialists who know how to create them for them. Mobile apps are used by millions of people every day, and some of them are very profitable for their owners because they provide many different paid features that users can buy and use inside them. If you want to learn more about mobile app development, you can start with the free resources on Youtube or Udemy.

These are just some of the small business ideas that I have found to be viable options for small business owners. Do you have any small business ideas that have worked well for you? If so, feel free to share them in the comments area!

What are business services in high demand nowadays?

Usually, I am looking for some business ideas, and I am interested in business services, not products (at first). There are many good answers here. However, I would like to offer another perspective. It is for small companies that have a new product or service to sell and want to get into the market quickly. It is called a "lean startup." The idea is to find an MVP (minimum viable product) and then take it to the market to see if there is any interest from the customers.

The goal of the lean startup is not just market research but also customer development, which includes getting feedback from early adopters. This helps you develop your product or services based on real customer requirements.

There are so many options. You just need to find one that you are passionate about and comfortable with. Some of them we can find in many different services in the big city, from designing a website to producing a film. All of these services are very important for many different companies, but what business services are in high demand nowadays?

Here are some of the most popular ones in the digital marketing world, for example:

SEO services: What is SEO? The acronym stands for "search engine optimization," which means that this service can help you increase your website's ranking in search engines. Many companies offer SEO services, and all of them have their own special methods and strategies to boost your site's popularity. If you want to get better rankings on Google, then you should definitely contact an SEO company in the city! They will be able to do everything they can to make your site more visible to your target audience.

As a side note, while there are many helpful resources for learning SEO, the guides from Neil Patel are one of the best resources for beginners. The information presented here will help you develop an understanding of what SEO is and how to perform it yourself.

SEO copywriting - You can also hire an SEO copywriter in the city if you want to get your website optimized for search engines and attract more visitors. The best thing about hiring a professional copywriter is that they will be able to come up with new content for your website. The content on your site should be well-written and engaging, which is why you need to hire a good writer who knows how to use SEO techniques while writing.

All of these professionals are going to help you improve your business website and attract more visitors to it.


As a writer, you will want these apps on your iPad as soon as possible ;)

Google Drive: The app allows you to access all of your documents that are stored in Google Drive, so it's a great way to work on homework assignments from your iPad. You can also view and edit Microsoft Office documents and share them with other users.

Google Docs: a great way to create new documents or edit existing ones. You can also work on multiple documents at the same time, which is especially useful if you’re working on a group project. You can use Google Docs to access your documents stored in Google Drive.

Microsoft Word: One of the most popular word processing apps for the iPad, and it's a great way to create and edit documents. You can use Word to create new documents or open existing ones, which you can then edit on your iPad.

Microsoft Excel: Microsoft Excel is another great tool for creating spreadsheets on the go. With Excel, you can create and edit spreadsheets that include charts and graphs, so it’s a great app for any type of business or home office user.

There is more to cover here. In fact, there are many businesses that operate these days successfully, and their services are always in high demand.

The list of such services includes:

  • Software development;

  • Appliance repair;

  • Carpentry;

  • Construction;

  • Cleaning services;

  • Consulting;

  • Delivery services;

  • Financial services;

  • Fitness training;

What is the easiest business to start?

So many people ask, "What is the easiest business to start nowadays?" I want to get started quickly and make a lot of money. 

I hate giving the harsh answer, but there's not an easy business to start. That’s a reality check. There are no "get rich quick" schemes; only hard work pays off in the end, and if you love what you do, it will not feel like work at all.

Now, if we take into consideration the entry barrier, we can say that the easiest business to start nowadays is one you can start at home. The best example of this is the freelance writing business. You start it by getting a laptop, an internet connection, and registering an account on sites like Upwork. Once that's done, you create a profile and start bidding on jobs.

The biggest advantage of this is that it doesn't require any skills to get started. Anyone can do it, which is why there's so much competition.

Also, businesses that can be started with a small amount of capital and that may not require a lot of manpower to get going are considered the easiest to start. The best way to find the easiest one you can start with is to think about what you want to do.

There are many online platforms nowadays where you can get ideas on the best business to start (such as You can also consult with a professional consultant who can help you determine which business is right for you.

How can I start my own business with no money?

Small business owners are often faced with challenges when they first start out. One of the most common is lack of capital, or not having enough money to get your idea off the ground.

One solution to this problem is a home-based business, which becomes even more attractive when you consider that you need very little in the way of resources or equipment. You don't need a storefront, for example. And if you have a computer and an internet connection, you're already in business!

However, if you are not in an industry that can be run from home, you can use the following solutions:

  1. Ask family and friends for capital.

  1. Buy used equipment for a better price.

  1. Find the customers first (recommended).

Starting a business with no money is possible. You'll need to be resourceful and creative. Here are seven steps to starting a business when you have no money:

  1. Choose a business idea that fits your budget.

  1. Write a business plan.

  2. Define your target audience.

  3. Focus on customer service.

  1. Build word-of-mouth for your new business.

  1. Use social media marketing to build buzz for your business.

  1. Apply for small business loans for funding.

There's no such thing as a free lunch, right? Well, it turns out that in the world of business, if you can and should, get your lunch for free. Specifically, when you're starting a new business, there are plenty of free tools and resources out there to help you get off the ground. 

With a little creativity and an internet connection, no-cost business tools are often all you need to start a small business.

We've rounded up some of our favorite 40 free services to help new entrepreneurs get started on the right foot. Some of these have paid tiers or even required subscriptions that you'll have to pay for once your business gets off the ground. Check out the full list below. We'll start with advertising and marketing tools:

  1. MailChimp: E-mail marketing is still one of the most effective ways to get your business off the ground, and this tool is one of the best e-mail marketing platforms available. While it does have a paid tier for larger businesses, its free plan is more than enough for new businesses just starting out. With MailChimp, you can send up to 12,000 e-mails per month at absolutely no cost. This plan is enough for most businesses to get started with their e-mail marketing. If you need more, however, MailChimp's paid plans start at $10 per month. (I've used them in the past, but if you want something more professional, use Aweber.)

  1. SumoMe: SumoMe is a great tool for creating e-mail opt-in forms and popups, as well as social sharing buttons. With it, you can easily integrate your new business's social media profiles into your website, making it easier for people to follow you on the different platforms. As a side note, if you're running a brick-and-mortar business, I highly recommend that you use Square to process payments. Square is so easy to use and integrates with many of the popular eCommerce platforms, including Shopify. The fees are very reasonable, and you can even get a free card reader if you sign up for Square online!

  2. Grammarly: The Internet is full of mistakes, and when someone makes one in front of you, it can be difficult not to correct them. However, Grammarly will help you correct those mistakes without being too intrusive. The tool can also be used to help proofread your own writing before sending it out into the world. It's also a great way to help others in your life who struggle with grammar. 

  3. Sniply: This tool allows you to add a "snippet" of information to your website or social media page. It is used to help you capture the attention of visitors, and it can be used for a variety of purposes, such as adding your business hours or offering a free quote. Also, it is a great tool for anyone who's thinking about adding affiliate links to their website or blog posts. With this tool, you can create special URLs that lead directly to product pages on an online store and add special information about your new post, which is a great way to get more traffic to your website or blog.

  1. Buffer: Social media can be an excellent tool for promoting your business, but it can also be a time-consuming chore if you don’t have the right tools at your disposal. With Buffer, you can schedule posts across multiple social media platforms so that you only have to do it once and then sit back and wait for the views to roll in. It’s like having a virtual assistant, but without the cost. How cool is that? If you’re using Twitter to share content with your followers, then you need to check out Buffer too. This simple tool lets you schedule tweets in advance so that they go out at the best times throughout the day. Plus, you can share multiple links at once, which is great for sharing multiple blog posts or other content.

  1. VSCO: The app that launched a thousand camera phones, VSCO is the go-to for editing your photos and videos to perfection. You can adjust saturation, contrast, highlights, and shadows with a swipe of your finger, and if you're looking for more advanced features, you can even edit your photos in-app with advanced tools. The app has a great selection of filters and tools and is regularly updated with new features.

  1. Snapseed: An excellent app for quick edits to your photos and videos. The user interface is easy to use, with a simple swipe up or down to make adjustments like brightness, contrast, saturation, and shadows. You can also apply filters in-app and save them as presets so you can quickly edit future photos with the same look. The app also has advanced editing tools that allow you to create stunning images.

  1. Evernote: I use Evernote for everything, from saving interesting articles and web pages to clipping receipts. It's also a great place to save important documents like tax forms, bank statements, and insurance information. With this app, you can capture all of your ideas in one place so you don't forget them. It's available on every major platform, including Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and the web, so you can sync your notes across devices easily. Plus, it has a few other great features, like location-based reminders and handwriting recognition. Personally, I use it mostly on my iPad.

  1. Google Drive: You can't talk about productivity apps without mentioning Google Drive. It's a free app that lets you create, edit, and share documents, spreadsheets, and presentations with others in real-time. I use it to collaborate on projects with my team at work, but you can also use it to store important files or even to draft your next novel! With Google Drive, you can also turn your phone into a remote control for your computer, which is awesome.

  1. Pocket: There's no shortage of ways to save articles, videos, and web pages to read or watch later. But if you're looking for a simple app that can help you stay on top of the reading pile, Pocket is worth checking out. It lets you save articles from your browser, mobile apps, and even e-mail so you can read them at your leisure. You can also use it to organize content into different "lists" for easy access.

  2. Pushbullet: This app lets you send links, photos, and other types of content from your phone to your computer and vice versa. That's useful if you're trying to quickly move information between devices without fumbling with cables or going through the hassle of uploading everything to a cloud service like Dropbox. It also works as a messenger for sending text messages and making phone calls between devices (as long as they have Pushbullet installed).

  3. Skype: One of the most popular video chat apps out there. It's simple to use and has cross-platform support, so you can call other Skype users no matter what device they're on. Plus, Skype calls use your data plan instead of minutes, making them cheaper than standard phone calls.

  4. Slack: a useful group messaging app for teams that need to communicate across different departments or offices. Similar to WhatsApp, it allows you to send messages as well as photos and videos.

  5. WhatsApp: a free messaging app that uses your phone's Internet connection (4G/3G/2G or Wi-Fi, as available) to let you message and call friends and family. It works on most smartphones, and it's also compatible with most tablets.

  1. Line: a free messaging app that lets you exchange messages with friends and create groups for sharing photos, videos, voice messages, and documents. You can also buy credits to call other users through the app.

  1. Google Hangouts: Communication platform that blends SMS text messaging with video chat, available on Android and iOS devices as well as the web. The service includes instant messaging, video calls, voice calls, and texting (SMS/MMS). Google Hangouts can be accessed from the Gmail app on Android devices and has been announced for inclusion in the next version of the iOS operating system.

  1. Pinger: a free text messaging service that also offers group texting and group chat features, as well as video calling. The app is available for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone devices. It's one of the few messaging apps that work with carrier texting plans instead of over-the-top (OTT) services.

  1. Kik: a free instant messaging app that lets you send messages, photos, videos, and other content to people on your contact list as well as strangers. The app is available for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone devices. It also offers private chats with up to 50 contacts at once and works with carrier texting plans instead of OTT services.

  1. Google Voice: a free voice-over-Internet service that enables users to make and receive calls and send and receive text messages using a single phone number. The service can be used online or through a mobile app for Android phones.

  2. Telegram: the instant messaging app that lets you exchange messages, photos, videos, and other content with groups of up to 5,000 people or privately with up to 200 contacts at once. It also supports group chats for up to 30 participants, cloud storage, and the ability to forward any media you receive to friends. Telegram has a built-in search feature that lets you quickly find photos, videos, and messages from people who matter to you.

  1. task management app that makes it easy to get things done on your Android device or the web with its simple, streamlined interface and gesture support. The app also syncs with Google Tasks, so you can view your tasks in the Chrome browser or add new ones using Gmail's "E-mail to" feature. is free to download and use, but you can upgrade to the premium version for $2.99 per month or $24.99 per year to unlock features like reminders, location-based alerts, shared lists, and more.

  1. Boxer: a great alternative to the default e-mail app on your Android device if you're looking for something that has a bit more power under the hood. The app includes features like swipe gestures for easy management of e-mails, full-text search, and a simple and easy-to-use interface. It's free to download, with a $2.99 in-app purchase for the Pro version.

  1. Barcode Scanner: one of the best apps available on Android if you need to scan barcodes into your device. The app includes multiple modes for scanning different types of barcodes, as well as integration with other apps like eBay or Amazon, so you can get more information about a product. It's a very simple app, but it works well and is a must-have for any Android user.

  1. Poweramp: If you want to listen to music on your Android device, then Poweramp is the best music player available. The app features great design and an equalizer that can be customized in multiple ways. It also has support for many different audio formats, including FLAC and OGG, which are not supported by Google Play Music or other stock music players.

  1. Greenify: a great app for extending the battery life of your Android device. It works by putting apps into hibernation when you are not using them, which prevents them from running in the background and consuming precious battery life. You can also use it to automatically hibernate specific apps that you don’t want to use anymore.

  1. Nova Launcher: If you are looking for a new home screen experience on your Android device, then you should definitely try out Nova Launcher. It’s a free app that allows you to customize the way your home screen looks and acts, including how it transitions between screens.

  1. Battery Doctor: one of the most popular apps for extending the battery life on Android devices. It can help you to get more battery life by managing your device’s Internet connection intelligently, turning off unnecessary apps that run in the background, and more.

  1. Facebook: Many new businesses struggle with figuring out how to get the word out about their business, and while a lot of people will tell you that social media is the answer, it’s really not as simple as that. There are two things that make Facebook great for advertising your business: firstly, its audience is huge; secondly, you can use highly targeted ads to only show your ad to people who are likely to be interested in what you have to offer.

  2. Facebook Insights: Want to know how many people are interacting with your Facebook page? Or what time of day are your fans most active? This is the tool for you. Facebook Insights lets you track all of this and more, helping you make sure that your Facebook marketing efforts are as effective as possible.

  3. Social Report: A social media analytics tool that provides you with valuable information about your social media accounts, such as who is interacting with you on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and more. You can also see which tweets have been retweeted the most and how many people have clicked on your links.

  4. TweetDeck: Twitter’s official app lets you schedule tweets, reply to and view mentions, check out trending topics, and search for people to follow. Plus, it makes it easy to see what your friends are tweeting about without having to open their individual profiles. This is a must-have tool if you’re serious about Twitter marketing.

  5. At the core: a Twitter dashboard that allows you to view several streams of tweets at once, including your followers, those who follow you, and popular topics in real-time. You can also send out your own tweets and add photos, links, and videos.

  6. Google Analytics: This is a free tool provided by Google that allows you to track how many people visit your website and where they are coming from. When it comes to analytics, Google Analytics is the best tool available for most businesses. While there are other analytics tools out there, such as Adobe Analytics and Optimizely, they are not free like Google Analytics. With Google Analytics, you can track your website's traffic with ease. This is one of the most important metrics to keep an eye on. This is where you can see how many people are visiting your website, which pages they're looking at, and how long they stay on your site. You can also track things like social media referrals and even watch what users do when they land on your site. It's a great tool for gaining insight into your website traffic.

  7. Google Drive: While not necessarily an analytics tool, Google Drive is one of the most important tools to have for SEO professionals and SEOs. Google Drive is a file storage service that allows you to store documents, images, and other files in the cloud.

  8. IIn addition to storing your data in the cloud, Google Drive also gives you easy access to that data from any computer or mobile device. For SEO professionals, this means you can access your most important documents from anywhere, at any time.

  9. Google Drive has additional advantages: it allows for project collaboration, it automatically saves your work in real-time, and it can sync with other programs you use on a regular basis. If you're interested in learning more about Google Drive, visit the company's website at

  10. Canva: Another popular tool for creating beautiful images is Canva. It's easy to use and has hundreds of templates that you can choose from, including infographic templates. The great thing about this tool is that it's free and allows you to create amazing images with your logo or other text and graphics, as well as infographics. Graphic design is one of the most difficult aspects of running a business, and many new entrepreneurs do not have the time or expertise to create professional graphics for their websites, social media posts, blog posts, and more. Fortunately, there are plenty of online tools that make graphic design easier than ever before. One of the best available online is Canva. With Canva, you can easily create graphics for your website, social media posts, blog posts, and more.

  11. Another tool that makes graphic design easier is PicMonkey. With this tool, you can create graphics for your website, social media posts, blog posts, and more. You can also create collages, cards, invitations, memes, and more. You do not need to have any prior graphic design experience to use this tool. If you are interested in using PicMonkey to make your graphics look professional and appealing, you can check out really quickly some YouTube tutorials and be able to understand how to use this software. It isn't as hard as Photoshop, for example :)

  12. Venngage: One of the biggest challenges for new entrepreneurs is creating infographics that are shareable, and that capture their audience's attention. With Venngage, you can create beautiful infographics in a matter of minutes. The tool allows you to choose from hundreds of templates, edit them to fit your needs, and then export them to any format you need. This makes it easy to quickly create infographics that can be shared on social media.

  13. TripIt: After a long day of traveling, the last thing you want to do is sit down and plan your itinerary. With TripIt, you can quickly and easily enter all of your travel information, including confirmation numbers, flight times, and hotel addresses. It will then sync with your e-mail so you can access it from any device. When you land at your destination, simply pull up the app on your phone to find out where to go next.

  14. Socialoomph is an all-in-one social media tool that allows you to schedule tweets, track hashtags, and post to Facebook, among other things. It's a great tool for managing multiple social media accounts.

  15. LinkedIn is an online network that helps you connect with other professionals in your industry or field of interest, allowing you to build up a network of contacts and exchange ideas and advice. If you're looking to take your small business to the next level, LinkedIn can help. Learn specific strategies for how to use LinkedIn for marketing, sales, and hiring at NASE!

  16. Pinterest - A visual bookmarking tool that allows you to 'pin' images from around the web; for more info, you can check the following link >

  17. Tiny Planet: If you’re looking for an app that allows you to take 360-degree photos, then Tiny Planet is the app for you. You can capture a full panorama with this app and then move your phone around to see the different views. This makes it great for recording events like weddings or taking scenic photos of landscapes.

  18. Stop Motion Studio: If you’re into making stop motion videos using your phone, then this is the app for you. It has a ton of features, including advanced photo editing tools, an in-app gallery, and more.

  19. PicPlayPost: This is an easy way to create photo slideshows with music. It’s super simple to use and has tons of options for sharing your finished product.

  1. GoodReader: If you need to read or edit PDFs on your iPad, then this is the app for you. It’s one of the best ones out there and can do a lot more than just open and view files.

Virtual assistant

If you have strong communication skills, enjoy helping people, and are good at managing your time, consider becoming a virtual assistant. VAs handle administrative tasks like writing, billing, and scheduling meetings for business owners and other professionals. Some entrepreneurs even hire virtual assistants to handle everything from e-mail management to social media accounts.

Social media consultant

Social media has taken the world by storm in recent years, so it's no surprise that millions of businesses and individuals use social media every day to promote their products and services. But if you have the right skills, being a social media consultant could be a great opportunity for you to make money from home. Social media consultants help clients develop an effective strategy for their social media accounts and also create content for them. You can find jobs in your area on sites like LinkedIn and Upwork.

Freelance writer

Many people think they need to go to journalism school to become a writer or editor, but that's not true at all.

If you're a good writer, there are plenty of opportunities to make money from home as a freelance writer simply by writing and editing. Freelance writers can create articles for clients on all sorts of topics, including health, travel, food, and finance.

You can search online job boards like Elance or Monster for work or set up your own website and put out a call for work.

As with any other freelance writing job, be sure to follow up on your proposals and get quotes from multiple clients before signing any contracts.

Graphic designer

You don't need an expensive computer or fancy software to make money from home as a graphic designer. The most important thing is to have great ideas and the ability to convey them visually. If you're good at making things look pretty, you can easily make money from home as a graphic designer.

Some of the best-paying design jobs are in the entertainment industry. If you can create movie posters, CD covers, or book covers, you might have enough talent to make some serious money from home.

There's no shortage of work-from-home opportunities for ambitious, self-motivated entrepreneurs, but many of them require some kind of startup capital. 

For example, creating and marketing a product, even though drop shipping, can be expensive in some cases. That's why it's important to choose an idea that fits your circumstances. For example:

If you have no capital, consider starting with low-overhead services like freelance writing or pet sitting. You can get started right away without any investment except for the time to do the work.

If you have some capital, consider offering professional services like accounting or consulting — as long as you're qualified to do so.

What is the step-by-step process for starting a business?

Starting a business is a huge undertaking, and it’s easy to get lost in the day-to-day details of managing your business. But taking a step back to plan for the future is critical.

A great first step is to take a business idea and create a business plan. This will help you define your business idea and give you the foundation to launch your new venture. The most effective business plans are dynamic documents that evolve as your company does.

Once you’ve created your business plan, it’s time to make it official. Register your business with the Secretary of State in the state where your business is located.

Now it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty details of launching, like choosing a company name, registering for taxes, and getting licenses or permits. You will also need to find out if you need any additional insurance or bonding to start your new business.

You may want to consider hiring an accountant, especially if there are complicated tax issues involved in starting or running your business. Your accountant can help you determine how much money you’ll need to set aside for taxes and what kind of payroll system is best for you. An accountant can also help you figure out the best way to organize your new enterprise so that it complies with federal, state, and local laws.

Open a bank account under your company name and deposit startup funds into it as needed during the pre-launch phase of operations. Be sure to sign a business loan agreement with the bank that specifies how the money will be used.

Obtain a federal employer identification number (EIN) from the IRS. You’ll need this number to open your business bank account and to register your business with the appropriate state and local agencies. The EIN is also needed for all other interactions with government agencies, including sales tax registration, worker’s compensation insurance, and state unemployment insurance.

Register your business name as a DBA (doing business as) with your state. This registration identifies you as the owner of the business and enables you to open a bank account, pay sales tax, and conduct all other business transactions in your own name. If you operate under a fictitious name (e.g., Joe’s Cleaning Service), then register that name with your state.

Register for any licenses or permits required by your city or county government. Licenses may be required for all businesses operating within city limits, such as home-based businesses, restaurants, and retail stores. Contact your city or county clerk’s office for more information.

Choose a business location that is easy to find and access for customers. Your customers will be looking for you at this address when they need your services. Don't forget the business plan ;)

Think of your business plan as a map or blueprint that will guide your business from the startup phase through establishment and eventually business growth.

A business plan is an essential tool for companies raising capital, and it needs to be investor-ready. But even if you don’t need outside funding, creating a business plan is still an important exercise to help you flesh out the details of starting a new venture.

Creating a plan will help you achieve your entrepreneurial goals. A clear and compelling business plan provides you with a guide for building a successful enterprise focused on achieving your personal and financial goals. It can also help persuade others, including banks, to invest in what you are creating.

The following pages will describe in detail the seven essential sections of a business plan: what you should include, what you shouldn't include, how to work the numbers and additional resources you can turn to for help.

While investors may expect a plan to be presented in a specific order, that doesn't mean you have to write it that way. In fact, I recommend that you don't! Instead, organize it in whatever way makes the most sense for your company; just be sure all the key information is there. If it helps, use the following pages as a guide.

Section 1: Executive Summary

This is where you make your best first impression. Think of it as an elevator pitch — that is, the short version of your business that you would present to someone in an elevator ride of 30 seconds or less. This section should tell potential investors what your company does, how it makes money, and why they should invest in it. It's not a place for long-winded explanations; keep it tight and to the point.

Section 2: Business Model

This section explains how your company will make money and what it will do with those profits. The key is to explain how you plan to use those profits to increase your revenues and grow your business. Investors are looking for companies that have a clear, simple strategy for generating revenue and profits. 

In this section, provide a brief overview of your company and its business model. Investors want to know that you have the right team in place with the experience needed to make your business successful. Here you can include any investors or mentors who are helping you with your business. This area should not be too long; only one page is recommended.

Section 3: Market Opportunity

This section explains why your company has an opportunity to make money in its market, not just today but for years to come. If you're going after a big market, this section should describe how you will go about capturing a significant share of that market. If you're targeting a small niche, this section should explain why your company is better positioned than any other firm to dominate that niche.

Section 4: Team

This section focuses on the experience and expertise of your management team and the skills of your employees. Investors want to know who will be running the company and what kind of track record they have. If you don’t have a track record, investors want to know why you and your team are the right people to run the company. This section should also describe any other key members of your management team.

The most important section of your business plan is this one, so pay close attention here. Investors want to know that the people behind the company are qualified and capable of achieving their goals. Include a brief overview of each member of your team, including what experience they bring to the table and why they’re important to the success of your company. You should also include any members who will be joining in the future, as well as any advisors or mentors who will be helping you along the way.

This section should include:

  • A description of each member of your management team, including their titles and responsibilities at the company;

  • The relevant experience of each member of your management team;

  • A summary of each person’s relevant experience;

  • Information about any investors or advisors who are members of your management team.

Section 5: Industry Trends & Competition

This section should provide a brief overview of the trends in your industry and how you plan to capitalize on them. Investors want to know how you will gain market share, especially from competitors. This area should also include information about what sets your company apart from other companies in the industry. Investors may ask questions about your competition, so you should have an answer ready.

Section 6: Management Team & Advisors

In this section, provide a brief overview of the management team and any advisors that will be working with the company. Investors want to know that you have the experience needed to make your business successful. 

This section is also where you can include any investors or mentors who are helping you with your business. This section should not be too long; only one page is recommended. 

You can include any charts or graphs here to help visualize the information. Name Title Bio Additional Information (if needed)

Section 7: Company Milestones & Financials

This section provides a brief overview of the company's milestones and financial information. Investors want to know that you have the experience needed to make your business successful.

This section is also where you can include any investors or mentors who are helping you with your business. This segment should not be too long; only one page is recommended. You can include any charts or graphs that help you explain your business’s progress.

Company Milestones:

This section should include any major achievements or accomplishments that the company has had since its inception. Include any notable awards, press coverage, customer recognition, etc. You can also include a brief overview of what the company is currently working on. This is where you would include details about your product roadmap and plans for future growth. Investors want to know that you have a clear vision for the future of your business and that you have a well-defined plan for achieving your goals.


The financial section of your business plan should include a detailed breakdown of how much money you'll need to get started, how much revenue you expect to generate, and what additional funds you may require in the future. It's also important to consider where the money will come from. If it's an investment round, do you have a lead investor? If so, is the investor providing the funds in exchange for equity, or is it a convertible note? If you're bootstrapping, how much money do you have set aside, and what are your other sources of funding? How much money will be required to reach profitability? And when will that happen? The more detail you can provide about the financial side of your business, the better.

Industry Trends:

A business plan isn’t just about your business; it’s about your industry as well. What are the trends in your industry? How will those trends affect your business?

The industry you're in maybe cyclical, seasonal, or have peaks and valleys. The types of products and services you offer may also affect how much money you make. Knowing these things will help you set realistic goals for your business plan.

For example, if the market for software applications is on the decline but home entertainment systems are growing at a fast pace, you might want to focus on selling your products and services through home entertainment systems.

Think about what other businesses in your industry are doing and how they're marketing themselves. Think about how you can use the same tactics to reach new customers.

You may also want to know about the market share of similar businesses in your area. How much of the market is taken up by big box stores like Walmart or Target? Are there niche markets that you can cater to? What about online marketplaces like Amazon?

If you’re not sure where to start, try researching your industry using Google Keyword Planner. You can find out what keywords people are searching for and the level of competition for those keywords. You can also use this tool to get an idea of how much traffic is coming from certain keywords, which will help you decide if that keyword is worth targeting or not.

How to Conduct Market Research on Your Competition

To conduct thorough market research on your competition, you'll need to find the top sites in your industry and their traffic sources.

The easiest way to do this is by using (or SimilarWeb). You can enter any website URL into the search bar, and Alexa will give you information about that site's ranking, traffic, social media following, and more.

Once you have a list of the top sites in your industry, it’s time to look at their traffic sources and discover their secrets. For more details, you can contact SimilarWeb ;)

What makes for a good work-from-home small business idea?

This is a question I hear a lot, and it's one that gets asked even more now that telecommuting is becoming the norm – especially in the wake of COVID-19. It's a good question and one that I can't answer for you, but I can provide some guidelines to make it easier to come up with ideas.

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, I want to point out that just because you have an idea doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. A good first step is to do a bit of market research and assess your skills properly.

The key to starting a successful work-from-home business is finding something you love doing. If you're not totally excited about your product or service, it's going to be hard to stay motivated and convince others to believe in what you're selling.

Look for a good fit between your skills and interests and the needs of the market. If you can't find any, then maybe it's time to consider another business opportunity. We have a few tips to help you decide if a work-from-home small business idea is right for you:

- Look for a good fit between your skills and interests and the needs of the market. 

If you can't find any, then maybe it's time to consider another business opportunity. We have a few tips to help you decide if a work-from-home small business idea is right for you:

In addition to helping individuals, many social impact organizations are looking for interns to help them do their work. For example, a nonprofit may have an opportunity for you to write content or provide data analysis. This could be a great way to gain experience and help your organization at the same time. You can learn more about this in our directory >

The music industry might not be as strong as it was in the 80s, but there are still plenty of ways to make money as a musician, even from home. And if you’re already in the industry, it’s time to start thinking about your financial future.

According to Forbes, “The musicians who survive and thrive will be those who have other skills and experiences that can be applied outside of music. They will become entrepreneurs with a business plan, rather than just artists with a dream."

So what are some of these opportunities? Well, for starters, there are plenty of music-related business ideas you can start from home.

 If you’re a songwriter, you could create your own website and sell sheet music to local musicians or provide songwriting services to aspiring artists. You could also offer lessons in any instrument you play, teach piano, or become a studio musician.

If you’re an artist, it’s time to start thinking about your brand and how to market yourself online. In fact, the Forbes article states that making money as an artist is about building a brand, not selling art. So you’ll want to start building your social media presence and website today.

Another great way to make money from home as a musician is by teaching music lessons. There are many ways that you can provide music lessons online, such as Skype lessons or creating videos for YouTube.

Or you can teach at a local music school, where you’ll be able to work on your own schedule and make even more money. But if you’re an artist who loves to perform, then this is a great way to supplement your income while also building your brand and making new fans.

These are just a few of the ways that you can make money from home as a musician. There are many other opportunities available, including touring, performing in commercials, recording, and more. If you’re looking for a way to make money while doing what you love in music, then this is the right path for you.

Work-from-home jobs usually have some type of online component. This could be anything from answering phones, taking reservations, helping with customer service, or even doing computer programming. If you've been considering starting a small business and can't seem to find an idea that fits you, don't lose hope. Consider these four types of work-from-home small businesses:

  1. Service Businesses - This includes everything from freelance work to more long-term contracts with regular clients. It's often easier because there's often no upfront investment, little overhead, and flexible hours to accommodate your schedule.

  1. Merchandising Businesses - This is the most traditional small business model and includes companies like Avon or Mary Kay Cosmetics, as well as many direct sales businesses that distribute a product. In this model, you purchase the products you intend to sell at wholesale and then markup the price when selling them to your customers.

  1. Product-Based Businesses - These businesses typically make, manufacture, or distribute a single product themselves that they then sell directly to customers. The profit margin is usually very high since there are fewer steps involved in getting the product from production to the customer. However, it is also much more difficult to scale these businesses as the founder needs to hire employees and maintain physical space for the business.

We’re not quite to the point where we can all work from the beach, but advances in technology and communication have made it much easier for people to work from home. There are more options than ever when it comes to working from home, and many don’t require any startup costs.


  • Are you good at a certain skill? Whether it’s playing an instrument or sharpening your math skills, offering tutoring services could be a great way to make money from home.

  • Do you have space in your home for storing inventory? You can sell products online or through local consignment shops and make money from the comfort of your own home.

  • Do you like helping other people? There are plenty of opportunities out there for personal assistants or virtual assistants. For a monthly fee, you could help someone run errands or manage their schedule.

  • Can you be creative? If so, you could consider teaching art classes at your home. You could also sell your artwork online and make money without having to leave the house!

To sum it all up, there are an endless number of small business ideas that can succeed in the current market conditions. Okay, now that you have a basic idea of what business to start and how to start it, it is time to act! The ideas included on this list are mostly of the smaller variety, but there's a wide variety of them. 

The common theme is that you don't need a huge investment to succeed. Whether what you're selling is original or not, if it's useful, you'll find someone willing to make a purchase.

How do I start a small business from home?

It is a great idea to start a small business from home. You can do so many things these days in the world of online and technology. You can be a freelancer and work for different clients; you can develop software (you don't even need an office to do so). You can sell your products on Amazon or eBay and earn money.

You know you want to start a small business from home, but you’re not sure where to begin. In this post, we’ll walk you through the process of creating your first small business and give you the resources to get started.

There are a lot of things to consider when starting your own business, whether it be at home or in an office space. You have to consider your options, what you need to get started, and how much time and capital you're willing to invest.

The first step is determining if you're really ready to take the leap into entrepreneurship. Are you financially secure? Do you have a solid grasp of your professional goals? Can you handle the emotional toll that comes with running a business?

If the answers are yes, then it's time for you to determine what kind of business suits your needs and lifestyle best. Once that decision is made, it's all about developing a business plan, which we covered a bit earlier.

In conclusion, 

While the idea of starting a new business may sound difficult and daunting, it really isn’t that bad. Of course, there is some planning and thought that goes into starting any sort of business, but once you figure out what exactly you are doing and how to do it, you will find that this will be a great career move for your future. Plus, it can be a lot of fun as well! 

The business ideas we have listed on this site are simple and easy to start, so feel free to check them out and see if they appeal to you. With one of these small businesses or another one of your choice, you will be able to enjoy your corporate experience even more than you already did!

As we said, there are plenty of great small business ideas out there; what matters most is whether you have the initiative and desire to make it happen. Have a new idea for your business? You can share it with us. Hopefully, the above lists of business ideas have been helpful. It is intended to encourage you to dream up new ideas and perhaps to give you some inspiration on how to go about going into business yourself. Hopefully, the above list will prove to be useful ;)

Thanks for reading this post about these small business ideas, and I hope that it has been helpful for you. If you find at least one idea that you like and consider implementing it in real life, it will be great. I hope that if you do, let me know how it worked out for you. That said, I hope this article inspires and motivates you to succeed in life. Good luck!

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