Why Your Goals Matter and How They Affect Employee Productivity

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Why Your Goals Matter and How They Affect Employee Productivity

Jul 12, 2022

Productivity is always a priority for small businesses. Unless you and your employees can maintain efficient activities, you are unlikely to be profitable. Indeed, your company’s ability to be productive can influence your overall trajectory and potential to innovate.

Therefore, it’s vital to understand what tools you can utilize to improve productivity. There’s often a lot of attention on utilizing efficiency hacks or adopting new management software. Yet, one of the most powerful influencers of productivity is a clear set of goals for your business.

We’re going to take a closer look at why your goals matter when it comes to keeping your workforce productive.

Time Management

Time management is among the most valuable soft skills among team members. If you leave your requirements ambiguous and fail to set expectations, the timeline and productivity of tasks, projects, and overall development can very quickly get out of control.

This is why setting clear time management goals can be such a powerful tool for productivity. Workers have a framework within which they can apply their own skills and methods, but they also have clarity on the timeline needs of the company. You can utilize various goal communication tools here. 

Deadlines can be effective in daily and project-based tasks, but it’s also important to inform workers how these translate to meeting the business’ goals. Giving employees a certain amount of control over allocating timelines to meet the goals of projects they’re working on can be particularly effective, too. This is because they gain not just insights into the impact of their timeliness, but also take ownership of the process.

You should also remember that goal-based time management doesn’t just improve productivity for smaller tasks and projects. Communication of goals can also impact the overall trajectory elements of operations, like scaling your business. Scaling is the process of increasing your revenue strategically through greater efficiency and cost reduction. This isn’t an activity you should rush. Creating a process map to provide clear time-based milestones for efficiency improvements helps your staff to be effective influencers of your long-term success here.


With any thriving business, even for self-employed and small enterprises, there are multiple goals to be achieved each day and on every project. These moving parts not only contribute to your success, but if pursued ineffectively they can influence failure. One of the most important factors in avoiding issues is maintaining correct prioritization.

Unfortunately, this isn’t always as simple as providing a solid order of operations to produce the desired outcome. Subtasks can change on a daily basis or be impacted by unexpected events. These types of disruptions can be disastrous for productivity. Helping staff understand how to prioritize wisely can help safeguard projects against missed deadlines. You’ll also find adopting project management software is an effective way to keep the hierarchy of tasks visible and clear even as these evolve. 

Nevertheless, it’s just as important for staff to have the ability to respond independently to changes productively. Clearly communicate your company’s overall goals and needs on a regular basis and how this translates to the activities employees perform. This way, your staff can make more effective independent decisions about what the priorities to meet their targets are likely to be. 

Positive Morale and Motivation

Unless your employees are engaged, their tendency to function effectively is likely to be disrupted. This isn’t just from the perspective of meeting the day-to-day objectives. In the long-term, reduced morale and engagement usually result in a knock-on effect on innovation and operational efficacy.

As such, the presence, communication, and explanation of company goals are vital. Your aims provide a clear and consistent target for all workers to aim for. Perhaps the most important thing to emphasize is the idea that these are not just business targets but shared goals. Efforts to make certain there is joint ownership of these aims help your workers to forge better bonds with one another. Not to mention they’ll celebrate each other’s contributions to shared aims and help one another through difficulties. This bolsters collaboration that has a direct impact on productivity.

An essential factor in having a greater impact on morale and motivation is ensuring workers not just contribute to the goals but benefit from them. Make certain there are clear incentives to achieving not just the overall goals but also the targets that contribute toward getting there. When milestone goals are reached, ensure the entire company enjoys the outcome through celebrations as well as tangible rewards.

Transparent work environment

One of the more overlooked contributors to productivity is transparency. If your company is too closed off, this can have a negative impact. It can disrupt the trust workers have in you and derail motivation and morale. It also creates a sense of ambiguity that can lead to confusion and disorder. Having clear and visible goals is one of the best tools at your disposal to boost the positive effects of transparency.

Ensure there are consistent metrics to fairly measure positive productivity. When everybody feels they are held to the same standards and expected to reach similar goals, there is a sense of equality. This also supports an inclusive employee progression system and a fair method to allocate pay rises.

You’ll also find that communicating the status of company goals provides transparency by giving workers solid information on how the company is performing. This can help them to feel more stable in their positions and able to focus on being productive in their positions. Not to mention it empowers them to hold the company accountable for areas of failure and be proactive in suggesting improvements.  


Your business goals can have a direct impact on productivity in various areas. They help workers to make more informed decisions on time management and priority task allocation. Having a target to shoot for can also boost morale and motivation among your team. Clear goals tend to be a factor for positive transparency that influences fairness and accountability. As such, it is vital not just to have goals in place but to communicate these regularly to your workers.

Meet The Author:


Luke Smith

Luke Smith is a writer and researcher turned blogger.


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Courtesy of NASE.org