The Importance of Believing in Yourself as an Entrepreneur

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The Importance of Believing in Yourself as an Entrepreneur

Jan 09, 2023
Office Desk

Want to make it as an entrepreneur? Believing in yourself is the key. If you don’t fully believe in yourself, you won’t believe in your business entirely. And if you don’t believe in your business, getting consumers to support it will be hard.

On the contrary, believing in yourself helps you cling to a positive outlook. You stay focused on your vision for your business and are more enthusiastic about what you can do for your customers, drawing them to you more easily. You can lead your team better too.

Now that we’ve covered the importance of believing in yourself as an entrepreneur, here’s how to actually make it happen.

Focus on Building Authentic Self-esteem

Authentic self-esteem comes from real beliefs, accomplishments, abilities, and self-respect. The keyword is real. Many people have false self-esteem — whatever gives them self-esteem isn’t a part of their reality.

It can be challenging for many entrepreneurs to develop authentic self-esteem because they start with the “fake it till you make it” approach. They pretend to be successful before they actually are. False self-esteem enters here.

It’s hard to turn false self-esteem into the real thing. So, start with building authentic self-esteem so you don’t have to do that. Genuine self-esteem also makes it so your belief in yourself doesn’t waver.

You can build authentic self-esteem by:

  • Pursuing self-improvement
  • Setting realistic expectations for your life
  • Unapologetically being your authentic self
  • Reflecting on how far you’ve come rather than being envious of others
  • Boosting your confidence through exercise, positive self-talk, and a supportive community

Establish a Support System

Let’s just put it out there. You’re going to fail throughout your entrepreneurial journey. So, if you lacked belief in yourself before you started your business, it’ll probably get worse with every failure.

You can get through the tough times in entrepreneurship with a solid support system. This support system can also help you believe in yourself more. For example, they’ll reinforce your good ideas and accomplishments. They’ll also be honest about your shortcomings and help you improve.

You don’t have to do it alone. And there’s comfort and confidence in that. Be sure you have supportive friends and family around you. In addition, build a professional network of fellow business owners, mentors, and partners that can guide and support you.

Grow Your Skillset

It’s never a bad idea to keep learning as an entrepreneur. You can apply your new skills to your business and boost its bottom line. More importantly, developing your skillset helps you believe in yourself more.

This is because when you see your new skills in action and they produce something positive for you and your business, your admiration for yourself grows.

So, take it upon yourself to enroll in college if it’s feasible financially and time-wise. Or, consider a certification course. You could even go the self-learn route via Youtube University or LinkedIn.

Work on Your Mental Health

Simply put, entrepreneurs struggle significantly with mental health issues. About 63% of entrepreneurs report dealing with burnout, 59% experience anxiety, 47% struggle with depression, and 24% deal with ADHD.

These numbers are significant because living with a mental health condition can be difficult. Sometimes things can get so challenging that it affects how you view yourself. When you don’t have a positive perception of yourself, believing in yourself goes out the window too.

Working on your mental health will not only help you better manage your mental health challenges, but it will also strengthen your mindset. The stronger and more positive your mindset is, the easier it will be to believe in yourself.

Attending counseling or therapy regularly is always a good idea. You can also nurture your mental health with a self-care routine that includes mindfulness activities, passion projects, and other interests.

The Bottom Line

Entrepreneurship is no joke. There are many ups and downs in the journey. And to survive them, you must have high self-esteem and the utmost confidence and belief in yourself. Build authentic self-esteem, establish a solid support system, acquire new skills, and work on your mental health to help you get there.

Meet The Author:


Luke Smith

Luke Smith is a writer and researcher turned blogger.


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