From Cybersecurity To Copyrights: Essential Steps For Protecting Your Business

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From Cybersecurity To Copyrights: Essential Steps For Protecting Your Business

Oct 03, 2023

All business owners know that operating a company comes with a certain amount of risk. But smart business owners will get proactive to ensure that they are leaving themselves as secure as possible. For example, did you know that 31% of businesses are subject to a cyberattack at least once a week? But security is about much more than cybercrime. There’s staying up to date with the latest copyright laws. You need to give yourself a good financial cushion and protect the mental health of your employees. Taking proactive measures in these areas safeguards what you’ve worked hard to build.

Install Comprehensive Cybersecurity Solutions

The chances are that you’ve already tangled with some cybersecurity issues. The fact is that free antivirus software isn’t going to cut it. You need to look at multi-layered solutions including:

  • Firewall software and hardware to block unauthorised access
  • Anti-virus and anti-malware programs to detect threats
  • Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) for secure remote access
  • Data encryption to make files unreadable if compromised
  • Multi-factor authentication for accessing accounts
  • Employee cybersecurity training

For e-commerce businesses, ensure secure checkout processes and GDPR compliance. Keep all software updated with the latest security patches. You should also think about bringing in IT security professionals to identify and address any gaps in your security.

Register Trademarks For Brand Assets

Registering trademarks establishes legal ownership of intellectual property like:

  • Business names
  • Logos
  • Brand slogans and taglines
  • Product names and design elements
  • Packaging graphics and colours

Securing trademarks prevents competitors from creating copycat branding that dilutes your brand identity and confuses customers. It also strengthens your position in any infringement disputes.

Stay Up To Date With The Latest Copyright Laws

Copyright and intellectual property laws aren’t standing still. Monitor legal sites and speak with IP lawyers to stay current on important rulings impacting fair use, protections for AI-generated work, NFTs, open-source licenses and more. You need to keep up with the latest electronic engineering news if you want to stay ahead of any potential risks.

Keep aligned with best practices for leveraging user-generated content. Understand the policies of major platforms where you share content. Keeping up with trends ensures your business avoids legal pitfalls. For example, did you know about the extension of the CE mark recognition for businesses? Electronic Specifier will keep you apprised of the latest news and developments, as well as highlighting events and offering expert analysis. 

Prioritise Employee Mental Health

Running a business generates high pressure and stress that can negatively impact mental well-being. More than half of UK workers don’t feel comfortable talking about their mental health at work. You need to make sure that your team feels like they can come to you if they’re running the risk of burning out. So, think about:

  • Offering mental health days and flexible work arrangements
  • Providing access to counselling services
  • Training managers on identifying signs of burnout
  • Fostering open conversations around mental health
  • Promoting healthy work-life balance

It’s not just about making sure that your staff can keep doing their jobs effectively. A good work culture will help you to retain your best employees and attract the top talent for any new positions.

Talk To A Financial Advisor To Create A Budget Cushion

It’s been tough for UK businesses in the last couple of years, and small businesses have seen their sales go down by 20%. Meeting with a financial advisor can help you strategically budget and set aside funds to weather unexpected storms. It’s best to have between three to six months’ worth of budget stashed away in case things slow down.

A good financial advisor is also a brilliant sounding board. They can also help project future needs for expansions, investments, or pivots in your strategy.

Safeguarding your critical assets in today’s interconnected world requires diligence. Implement layered cybersecurity defences and disaster planning. Register all intellectual property and creative work. Seek licenses and patents where applicable. And make sure that you are chasing the latest news to avoid falling behind or falling victim to a new development. Taking proactive measures will help future-proof your business from emerging threats.

Meet The Author:

Ella Woodward

Ella Woodward

As a woman making her way to the top of the corporate ladder, Ella Woodward has the expertise and business knowledge to guide readers through the latest developments in the fast-paced business, financial and investment spaces. She has the contacts, instincts and insight to discover the latest deals, trades and organisations that are worth your time. Being in constant demand, she’s made this blog as a resource for you to see a small selection of the work she’s done over the years.


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