Hiring for Reliability: How to Spot Job Candidates with Good Attendance

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Hiring for Reliability: How to Spot Job Candidates with Good Attendance

Oct 18, 2023
Team Work

It’s not always a sad ending. You’ve found us – and we’re here to guide you to find the right candidate for you (as an employer, that is; your love life may have to wait)!

Everyone knows that hiring the right employees contributes greatly to an organization's success. But when it comes to attendance, few things are more important than finding reliable candidates who show up for work every day and follow through on their commitments.

This is where this guide comes in. We’ll provide you with an in-depth look at the hiring and selection process. It gives managers the tools to find reliable employees who meet their attendance and job performance expectations, and will equip you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions regarding adding new members to your team.

Definition of Reliability In The Workplace

Reliability (without a doubt), is desired by employers. Simply put – it is someone's ability to deliver quality work on time with minimal errors. Of course, one thing you can’t overlook – consistently. Imagine “Employee A” as “the one.” How can you tell employee A apart from B, C, D, E?

Employee A shows up for work on time, takes pride in their responsibilities, and always strives to do their best and meet the company's expectations. Employee A has good problem-solving skills and an aptitude for working with others in a team environment. Reliability equates to dependability and trustworthiness - qualities that any employer highly values.

It’s not too good to be true to find your Employee A. There are a lot of them out there. When it comes to hiring them though, there are things you need to identify within this person:

  • Evaluate if potential  Employee A has been on-time and ready for work as expected.

  • Assess the accuracy and quality of work produced by the potential Employee A. This includes ensuring all tasks are completed with minimal errors and within the prescribed time frame.

  • Check and analyze their ability to solve problems quickly and efficiently and work well in a team environment.

Though these are not hard-set rules or characteristics, having these qualities will lead you one step closer to the right Employee A. You can determine whether or not an employee is reliable and find your Employee A. Having reliable employees is essential for any successful business, leading to improved customer satisfaction and increased productivity. Reliability in the workplace benefits businesses; it also helps foster a positive work environment and creates a healthy, productive culture.

Importance of A Reliable Workforce

It’s (crystal) clear how a reliable employee can benefit a work environment. But let’s get down to business in finding you the one:

  • Impact on productivity. Dependable employees are more likely to complete tasks quickly and accurately, helping your team reach goals faster. Furthermore, relying on your staff to do their job well eliminates worries about missing deadlines or sloppy work. This, in turn, frees up management to focus their attention on other vital areas of the business.

  • Improved customer satisfaction. When customers know that their orders or inquiries will be addressed promptly and accurately, it gives them peace of mind and builds trust in your company. Customers also appreciate when they can interact with consistent, dependable employees who take pride in their work.

  • Foster a positive, productive culture at work. Reliable employees demonstrate respect for their coworkers and the job, which can create an uplifting atmosphere that encourages collaboration and drives results. Additionally, dedicated workers tend to stay longer in the same position – meaning you'll have fewer training and onboarding costs as you won't have to replace them as often.

Strategies For Hiring Reliable Employees 

We’ve established why it’s vital to have reliable employees who have good attendance, and then some. Now it’s time to set your strategy – how do you snag the one? Put the right hiring strategies in place to ensure you are bringing on board workers who are dependable and trustworthy. Below are some critical methods for hiring reliable employees:

  • Assess qualifications and references thoroughly - Take the time to review resumes carefully, ask pertinent questions during interviews and contact references provided by applicants. Doing so will give an accurate picture of the individual's skills, experience, and reliability.

  • Get creative with testing - Consider using online assessments or activities that simulate job tasks to gauge how well a potential candidate may perform under pressure or handle different scenarios they could face on the job.

  • Consider attendance records - Review how well job candidates have performed in past positions by reviewing their attendance records. Knowing how often they showed up to work and whether or not they were timely with their commitment can provide valuable insight into a person's level of reliability.

  • Ask the right questions - Taking the time to ask questions about a potential candidate's work ethic can help you determine whether or not they are reliable and dedicated enough to succeed in your organization. Aim for open-ended questions that require more than a yes or no answer, such as asking, "What is your approach when it comes to meeting deadlines?"

1. Properly Screen Resumes and Cover Letters

One of your most critical tasks you will have while in search of your star “Employee A” is appropriately screening resumes and cover letters before bringing someone in for an interview. This step is essential in finding the most qualified person for the job. When screening resumes and cover letters, there are several key factors to look for:

  • Ensure that the experience and qualifications listed match what your organization needs from a candidate. Check if they have any certifications or special training that would be beneficial, as well as if they have any experience in the same field or industry.

  • Writing skills. Carefully read their resume and cover letter; pay attention to grammar and word choice, which can give you an idea of their communication skills.To find such mistakes in their resume or cover letter, you can also use an online grammar checker, which can easily find all the errors in the text. It's also important to ensure they can articulate themselves clearly and professionally, as this is a crucial indicator of how well they will represent your company.

  • Review references or recommendations that may have been included with the application. Ensure that the information provided is clear and accurate; it's a good sign if the individual has included letters from past employers who speak positively about them.

2. Ask Questions Related To Flexibility And Commitment During Interviews

Questions about flexibility and commitment during interviews are integral to the hiring process. Assessing a candidate's willingness and ability to adapt, collaborate, and remain committed to their employment is essential for any business. Here are the key things to remember for both:

  • Questions related to flexibility should focus on how well a potential employee can adjust to changes in their job responsibilities or work hours if needed. For instance, you could ask them, "are you comfortable working outside of normal office hours now and then?" or "how do you handle unexpected changes in your tasks?" These can provide insight into how well they can roll with the punches and how open they are to additional tasks when required.

  • Meanwhile, questions on commitment are more related to the long-term plans of the candidate with the company – whether or not they are looking to stay in the job for longer than a few months. This will help employers gauge if a person is looking for short-term gain or wants to build something more permanent. Asking questions about their exit strategy can also provide insight into their dedication to the role and its potential growth opportunities.

3. Check References To Verify Past Work History And Reliability

Checking references is an essential step in the hiring process. It verifies a potential new hire's past work history and reliability claims are accurate and verifiable. By confirming this information, businesses can ensure that they make the most informed decisions when filling positions within their organization.

When checking references, ask relevant questions about the candidate's experience and qualifications for the job. This should include queries about any special skills or training they may have received; how well they performed in similar roles; how reliable and trustworthy they were as employees; and if they worked well with colleagues and supervisors. Asking these questions will give employers insight into how well a candidate may fit the particular job they are looking to fill.

Make sure to note that references should come from reputable sources; employers should avoid relying on information provided by friends and family of the applicant. Obtaining written authorization before reaching out to any potential references is essential to avoid violating privacy laws.

Adhering to these precautions and asking the right questions can help employers make confident decisions when hiring new staff members. Utilizing this process can ensure that your organization makes wise choices when filling available positions.

4. Use Online Tools To Supplement Your Hiring Process

Using online tools to supplement your hiring process will ensure you get the best candidates for your open positions. Tools like applicant tracking systems (ATS) and video interviewing platforms can help streamline and automate certain aspects of the recruitment process, making it easier to find qualified applicants quickly.

An ATS is an automated system designed to organize and store information related to job applications, such as resumes and cover letters. It also allows employers to search through large databases of potential hires quickly and easily, eliminating the need for manual sifting through hundreds of documents. The tool also helps keep track of where applicants are in the evaluation process, so recruiters don't have to search for individuals who are already in the pipeline or lost in the shuffle.

Video interviewing technology is also becoming increasingly popular among employers, allowing them to conduct interviews remotely and quickly. It’s an enterprise communication solution that eliminates the need for long, drawn-out meetings and helps keep costs low. This provides a sense of how well an applicant communicates and interacts with others—information that is often difficult to gauge from reading a resume alone.

Getting ready with an onboarding checklist will also ensure you have everything you need once you’ve found “the one” employee. This will allow you to keep track of the onboarding process from start to finish, making it not only easy for your recruiters and HR teams, but also for the employee.

Using online tools will save you time and money while helping make informed decisions. Nowadays, it’s vital to research the options available to determine which will work best for your organization's particular needs.

5. Conduct Background Checks On Potential Hires When Necessary 

Background checks, though may not be the top mind, are becoming an increasingly important part of the hiring process. They can help employers ensure they only bring on employees with no legal issues or criminal records. While it's not always necessary to conduct background checks on potential hires, there are certain circumstances in which it is advisable.

For instance, if a job requires the employee to work with confidential information or sensitive data, employers should consider conducting a background check to ensure that person is responsible and trustworthy enough for the role. Jobs involving children or vulnerable adults may require this type of screening to protect these individuals from potential harm.

Nowadays, social media background checking is a treasure trove of information. Their digital footprint can now be a reliable source into an employee’s attitude, behavior, and overall personality. You’ll find it in posts where a candidate may have bad-mouthed previous employers, made discriminatory comments, or even caught them lying about their qualifications.

It may be interesting to ‘stalk’ people online, but it's also important to remember that conducting background checks should be done in compliance with the law. Depending on your location, there may be specific guidelines and restrictions regarding what kind of background checks employers can conduct legally. It is essential to familiarize yourself with these regulations before running any screening.

Make sure you also request legally permissible information directly relevant to the job position being applied for (you don’t need a reason to go beyond that, unless you flag something!). Employers should provide applicants with written notice when they plan on conducting a background check, as well as an explanation of how their personal information will be used and stored securely. All this will help ensure a safe work environment and protect employees and customers.

6. Make Sure Job Expectations Are Clear From The Start

Clear job expectations set a foundation of trust and mutual understanding between employer and employee, allowing both parties to feel secure and comfortable in their roles.

Employers should ensure they are as detailed as possible when setting job expectations. This includes outlining specific job responsibilities, timelines, deliverables, salaries or other forms of compensation, working hours or conditions, reporting structures, and any further details relevant to the job position. Providing these details will help ensure that everyone involved knows precisely what is expected of them—and can help avoid misunderstandings or conflicts.

Having an open dialogue with employees can also help set clear job expectations. Employers should make it a point to discuss any questions or concerns with employees and encourage employees to do the same. This will help ensure everyone is on the same page regarding expectations and responsibilities, creating a smoother working relationship between employer and employee.

Setting clear job expectations is essential for developing strong relationships between employers and employees. By providing detailed information about the role in question, employers can ensure everyone knows what's expected of them—and allow for better collaboration and understanding.


Employers should take the time to conduct thorough background checks and make sure job expectations are clear from the start. Doing so can help ensure everyone is on the same page regarding responsibilities and expectations and foster better collaboration and understanding in the workplace.

If you found this article helpful, share it with your friends and colleagues so they can also find their future reliable employees!

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