Strategies for Entrepreneurs to Find Peace in Their Personal Lives

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Strategies for Entrepreneurs to Find Peace in Their Personal Lives

Nov 29, 2023
Working On Sofa

Becoming an entrepreneur is supposed to bring you a sense of fulfillment and freedom that salaried employees can only dream of. As a self-made businessperson, you get to set your own schedule and pursue your dreams while generating serious profits. 

However, you may find that working towards your business goals undermines your personal life. As a new entrepreneur, you may even be prone to overworking due to the faulty belief that long working hours will result in higher productivity at your firm. 

Improve your mental well-being and find peace in your personal life by setting aside time for rest and recovery. Proper rest can help you connect with your friends and family, improve your overall health, and revitalize your energy before a busy quarter, too. 

Digital Overload

As an entrepreneur, you probably spend most of your day behind a desk. As a leader for your firm, you need to spend most of your time coordinating with clients, conducting market research, and promoting your product or service to customers on the web. 

A robust digital presence undoubtedly boosts your profits and improves your reach. However, spending too much time online can result in digital overload. Excessive screen time can undermine your brain health, too, and result in:

  • Poor sleep

  • Low impulse control

  • Increased risk of anxiety and depression

  • Poor memory and increased risk of dementia

Find peace in your personal life by limiting your screen time when you’re away from work. This will help you make the most of your time away from the desk and strengthen your connection with your family and friends. 

Rather than staring at social media before bed, consider calming activities like: 

  • Journaling

  • Reading

  • Knitting

  • Listen to calming music

  • Cleaning

These activities help you switch off and fall asleep quicker. This is particularly important as a busy entrepreneur, as you need adequate rest and recovery if you want to find peace in your personal life. 


As an entrepreneur, you need to adopt a resilient mindset if you want to last in the long run. However, it’s easy to overlook your own needs when striving for higher productivity and profitability. This can result in high stress and burnout that undermines your home life if left unchecked. 

Find peace in your personal life by practicing self-care. Recent research shows that 75% of Americans believe self-care reduces their stress while 71% say that taking time for themselves improves their happiness.

Practicing self-care can improve your self-esteem, too. This is vital as a business leader, as you need to put forward a confident, assured persona to the rest of the world if you want shareholders to invest and customers to switch to your brand.

Start simple by focusing on skincare. Moisturizing and massage don’t just improve your complexion — a robust skincare routine can boost your mental health, too. Applying gentle cleansers and hydration creams can help you calm down after a busy day and give you a mini-mental vacation.

Remember to practice affirmations during your self-care routine, too. Simple affirmations like “You're strong. You're beautiful. You got this” may feel a little silly at first, but can genuinely increase your mental resilience and self-esteem over time.  


As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to put all your eggs in one basket and only focus on running an effective business. However, this approach is almost certain to lead to burnout and high stress due to a poor work-life balance. 

Reestablish your passion for life and find peace in your free time by taking up a hobby. Even simple hobbies, like weightlifting and running, can give you an outlet when times get tough. Establishing a hobby can help you meet new people and develop relationships outside of your personal life, too. 

Your hobby needn’t be fatiguing, either. If hard exercise isn’t your idea of fun, consider more cozy activities like knitting or gardening. These activities will occupy your mind and help you learn new skills that will serve you well for years to come. If you feel you need more social time outside of work, consider joining a book club or a writing group. These clubs are always welcoming and will help you learn to express yourself. 


You need to establish clear boundaries in your personal life if you want to find peace outside of work. Nothing will undermine your rest and recovery like responding to work emails in the middle of the night and you shouldn’t have to pick up calls while relaxing with your family. 

Set clear boundaries by sticking to your office hours. Your employees should know when you work and should not try to guilt trip you into answering questions when you should be relaxing at home. Set up an automatic email response when you are out of the office to let clients know that you’re taking some time for yourself. 

When you are off work, put away devices like phones, tablets, and desktop computers that you use to communicate with your stakeholders. This minimizes the risk of forming bad habits and helps you focus on your friends and family. This approach gives you a sense of peace in your personal life, too, as you won’t be receiving notifications all day long when you should be out of the office. 


Find peace in your personal life by establishing clear boundaries and picking up hobbies. This will boost your self-esteem and help you relax and recover during your time away from work. Turn off devices when you are out of the office and focus on activities that don’t involve a screen of some kind.

Meet The Author:


Luke Smith

Luke Smith is a writer and researcher turned blogger.


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