New Obamacare Data: America’s Smallest Businesses Haven’t Yet Decided If They Will Purchase Health Care on Exchanges


New Obamacare Data: America’s Smallest Businesses Haven’t Yet Decided If They Will Purchase Health Care on Exchanges


CONTACT: Kristofer Eisenla, Luna Eisenla Media | 202-670-5747 (mobile)

Nationwide Survey Shows Small Business Community Still Unsettled Heading into

October 1st Enrollment Date


WASHINGTON, DC – With open enrollment in the nation’s new health care system beginning tomorrow against the backdrop of a potential Federal Government shutdown, The National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation’s leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses, today released new data from a national survey of its membership showing that more than half (54%) of the 476 respondents haven’t decided if they will purchase health care on the Exchanges. In fact, 64% of the respondents indicated they have yet to even visit the new website and 100% of those surveyed answered that price will be a deciding factor in their decision.

“Millions of America’s smallest business owners are heading into the opening of the enrollment period tomorrow confused and unsettled about the new health care system,” said Katie Vlietstra, NASE’s Director of Government Affairs. “As the Government faces a potential shutdown, a majority of our membership has not yet even visited the online marketplace to explore options while over 65 percent expect to pay more for their coverage. Just a day away from open enrollment, our membership – like millions of Americans – are frankly unsure how the new law will impact them or how to even approach the new system.”

The NASE membership survey released today was conducted online from September 18th - 28th.  The survey of nearly 500 respondents across the country made up of small business owners that are members of NASE found that:

  • 50% of respondents still haven’t decided if they will purchase health care on the Exchanges
  • 100% indicate that cost will be the determining factor in purchasing health care
  • 67% indicate they expect to pay more for health care in 2014

In addition to today’s survey release, The NASE recently released its “The More You Know Infographic,” to help prepare America’s 23 million smallest business for the beginning of the new healthcare law’s enrollment period. The new infographic offers topline advice for America’s smallest businesses, the self-employed and micro-businesses, as they brace for the opening of the federal and state health care Exchanges October 1st. The NASE has been supporting the small business communities around the country in order to help them become better informed about how to approach the start of the open enrollment period beginning tomorrow.

In July, the NASE released its Affordable Care Act in Brief, which highlights how the new health care law will impact 23 million self-employed and micro-businesses nationwide. It outlines the pros and cons of health care coverage small businesses must consider while underlining the lack of information in the public domain about the health care law, the Exchanges and details of enrollment requirements.  A keystone of the ACA is the requirement that new health marketplaces, known as an Exchange, be set up in every state to offer health coverage options to individuals, families and small businesses to meet this new health coverage requirement.  The Exchanges will be offered and operated either by a state, a partnership between the state and the Federal Government, or just the Federal Government for those in states who have opted out and will default to the Federal Exchange.

Beginning on January 14, 2014, Americans will be required to purchase health care coverage or pay a penalty. Enrollment in the Exchanges will open on October 1, 2013.  In addition to the NASE’s small business health resource center, the government recently re-launched a new website portal for the public to learn more about the new health care law and it’s Exchanges:

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The National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE) is the nation's leading resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses, bringing a broad range of benefits to help entrepreneurs succeed and to drive the continued growth of this vital segment of the American economy. The NASE Small Business Locator helps identify and connect our nation’s smallest businesses. The NASE is a 501(c) (6) nonprofit organization and provides big-business advantages to hundreds of thousands of micro-businesses across the United States. For more information, visit the association's website at

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