NASE Joins Partnership to Protect Workplace Opportunity


NASE Joins Partnership to Protect Workplace Opportunity

The NASE has joined the Partnership to Protect Workplace Opportunity.

The Partnership to Protect Workplace Opportunity (PPWO) consists of a diverse group of associations, businesses, and other stakeholders representing employers with millions of employees across the country in almost every industry. The Partnership is dedicated to advocating the interests of its members in the expected regulatory debate on potential changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime regulations. The Partnership’s members believe that employees and employers alike are best served with a system that promotes maximum flexibility in structuring employee hours, career advancement opportunities for employees, and clarity for employers when classifying employees.The Partnership was formed in 2014 in response to President Barack Obama’s directive to the Department of Labor to “update and modernize” the Section 541 FLSA overtime regulations. The Partnership will be responding to the proposed changes to the overtime regulations with a careful and thorough analysis based on the principle that any changes need to work for both employers and employees. (

To learn more about the Partnership and its goals, please visit their website and read the letter submitted to the Office of Management and Budget about the proposed changes by the Department of Labor to overtime rules. 

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