NASE Testifies on Retirement Security


NASE Testifies on Retirement Security

On Wednesday, March 27, NASE President and CEO, Keith Hall, provided testimony to the House Small Business Committee on the opportunities and challenges the self-employed face as it relates to retirement security. 

In his testimony, Mr. Hall cited, "recent data from the AARP found that “the average household has only $3,000 saved for retirement. In fact, 18% of retirees in the next 15 years will retire with more debt than savings.” This is a staggering statistic – and is the foundation for our conversation today as to how we can best help provide the tools and resources for the 27 million self-employed and micro-business owners to elevate retirement security as a business issue." 

However, Mr. Hall, also shared the numerous available programs for the self-employed to leverage to achieve retirement security, including, "traditional and Roth IRA, solo 401(k), simplified pension plan (SEP) IRA, Simple IRA, and a defined benefit plan. So, while there are options, we also know that there remain two main impediments for self-employed and micro-business owners to access those options:  education and time. These challenges were confirmed by recent Pew Charitable Trust survey data finding that out of the 1,600 small and medium size business owners surveyed, 71 percent stated that setting up a retirement account was too costly, and 63 percent said they didn’t have the resources to set up a plan."

Read Mr. Hall's testimony here.

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