

How Small Businesses Prepare for the Holidays and Plan for the New Year

When it comes to the holiday season, small business owners have a lot to do. Not only do you need to be ready for the biggest shopping days of the year, but you also have to plan ahead for the new year.

Dec 18, 2019

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Writing Self-Employment

Susie Redfern is the Owner of Milestones Magazine LLC located in Aurora Illinois. Milestones Magazine is both a publication and website dedicated to showcasing programs, products, and services that help people with challenges (any age/type/degree) achieve milestones in their lives.

Dec 18, 2019

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Small Business Optimism Remains as 2019 Comes to a Close

In two separate studies, Paychex’s Small Business Employment Watch and US Chamber of Commerce and MetLife’s Small Business Index, small business growth and optimism continue to grow and remain steady, largely impart to the tight labor market.

Dec 18, 2019

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National Self-Employed Association Praises Entrepreneurial Spirit of the American Small Business Community

With Small Business Saturday being celebrated this Saturday, November 30, 2019, Keith Hall, NASE President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE) today offered the following comments applauding the entrepreneurial spirit of America’s small businesses across the country.

Nov 27, 2019

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Tasting Self Employment

Kristen Moffatt is the Owner of Wasatch Nectar in Salt Lake City, Utah. Wasatch Nectar is an energy supplement made from Utah raw honey and enhanced with electrolytes. It’s locally sourced honey, and locally packaged. It makes the ideal athletic fuel, but also makes a great addition to any snack!

Nov 25, 2019

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Fast and Effective Ways to Attract New Customers

When you own and operate a small business, you probably feel like the majority of your time goes toward new customer acquisition. That’s likely not just a feeling and is the reality. Finding new customers is one of the most difficult parts of owning a business, but also one of the most essential.

Nov 05, 2019

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Key Things New Real Estate Agents Should Know

Once you’re ready to start your new real estate business, it can be overwhelming. You’re competing with people who have been in the business for a lot longer than you, and you may feel like there’s no way you can possibly stand out. The good news is that you can, but it takes work and strategic thinking.

Nov 05, 2019

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Deadly SEO Mistakes to Avoid in Your Small Business

Almost every business, big or small, invests some time and money in search engine optimization. Whether you hire an SEO specialist or do the work yourself, it is important for any website to have proper SEO work done. Maybe you spent hundreds or thousands of dollars along with hours upon hours of time trying to properly optimize your website. You think you have covered all your bases in following best practices, but you aren’t seeing the results you want. Something is wrong and it is your SEO. No one makes mistakes on purpose, but they do happen. It is unfortunate to hear that something is wrong and will take more work to fix, but SEO is not something that can be ignored. However, instead of needing to fix issues after the fact you can avoid issues from the beginning. This article will lay out the most deadly SEO mistakes you can easily avoid to prevent headaches down the road.

Nov 01, 2019

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New Federal Rule Could Impact Small Businesses Looking to Purchase Health Insurance for 2020

Tomorrow, November 1st, open enrollment for the nation’s health insurance marketplace will officially open for those small businesses looking to purchase policies for 2020. A recently proposed rule from the Federal Register, introduces changes to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the nation’s healthcare law, which has resulted in new benefit and payment parameters for 2020 that will likely impact America’s small business and self-employed community. Provisions of the proposed rule impacting both current and future health care and Medicare beneficiaries could affect eligibility, enrollment, and coverage details.

Oct 31, 2019

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Health Care Open Enrollment: Updates and Changes

A recently proposed rule from the Federal Register, introduces changes to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which means new benefit and payment parameters for 2020. Provisions impacting both current and future health care and Medicare beneficiaries could affect eligibility, enrollment, and coverage details. Below, is a complete summary of proposed open enrollment changes that will impact policyholders during the next enrollment period.

Oct 29, 2019

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