

Who Are NASE Members

This month, we are going to take a look at not one of our fantastic Members specifically, but rather our members as a collective. Using data from over 600 members who responded to our 2017 Member Survey in November of last year, let’s find out who the NASE member is…statistically speaking.

Apr 16, 2018

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NASE Founding Member of New  Small Business Coalition

NASE is proud to announce that we have joined the Small Business Roundtable. NASE has joined forces with the nation’s leading small business and entrepreneurship organizations to form the Small Business Roundtable (SBR), a coalition dedicated to advancing policy, securing access, and promoting inclusion to benefit the 30 million small businesses at the heart of the American economy.

Apr 16, 2018

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Last Minute Tips to Filing Your 2017 Tax Returns

With just two-weeks until the tax filing deadline of April 17th, the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation’s leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses, released a list of seven last-minute tips for filing accurate returns and reducing tax liability.

Apr 02, 2018

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Meet Our Experts

Self-employed business owners are passionate about what they do. They thrive on unbridled enthusiasm for their work. Maybe you are a fantastic graphic designer, or an innovative IT consultant, or a master plumber. Yet, knowing one’s business is not the same as knowing how to run a business. Being the boss often means you are also head of marketing, sales, accounting, HR and more. And sometimes you could use some help.

Mar 28, 2018

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NASE 2018 Tax Survey

In December, Congress passed a massive overhaul of the tax code. As small-business owners plan for 2018, we want to hear from you as to the potential impact of the overhaul on you and your business. Please complete a brief nine-question survey, so we can better understand how we can help prepare for the change to come.

Mar 28, 2018

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Let’s Get Social!

As an NASE member, you are the driving force for what we do. Promoting self-employment and providing as many self-employed people as possible with our wide variety of benefits is something we do every day. But is it something you do? A great way for you to show your support for the NASE is to Like, Join and Follow us on our social media channels to help spread awareness. If you haven’t taken the time already, we invite you to do so now.

Mar 28, 2018

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NASE President & CEO Keith Hall Testifies

NASE was privileged to testify before the House Small Business Committee hearing on Occupational Hazards: How Excessive Licensing Hurts Small Business. The hearing provided a wonderful opportunity for Mr. Hall to provide insight from NASE members on the impact occupational licensing has on the millions of self-employed and micro-business owners across the country.

Mar 28, 2018

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Drive for Uber? Deliver for Amazon? Here are tax rules to know! (Detroit Free Press)

The nasty secret of being a new entrepreneur is that your tax bill might be way higher than you'd imagine. When you're driving for Uber, delivering for Amazon, picking up freelance jobs or otherwise participating in the gig economy, you aren't working for a boss who is required to withhold taxes from a regular paycheck. As a result, you're subject to some fairly complex tax rules.

Mar 15, 2018

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Tax Season (Price of Business)

Listen to Keith Hall talk with Kevin Price about tax season, tax reform and the NASE on his radio show, the Price of Business.

Mar 12, 2018

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