

NASE Dependent Scholarship

With the start of a new year comes the enrollment period for the NASE Dependent Scholarship. Members with a child (or children) that will be attending college in the fall should look into applying for a dependent scholarship.

Jan 30, 2018

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New Tax Law

Question: So...Exactly WHAT am I supposed to be doing with regard to the new tax law? Answer: First of all Happy New Year and welcome to 2018. It is gonna be a good year!!! Regardless of all other factors from this point forward, we will indeed have a new tax code for 2018. I am totally sure you have heard more than you would normally choose to hear about taxes and will undoubtedly continue to hear more. Just in case, here is a summary of the biggest changes…

Jan 30, 2018

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NASE Continues to Champion Reforms to Health Reimbursement Arrangements

In a letter to the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, the NASE provided comments in response to the Presidential Executive Order Promoting Healthcare Choice and Competition Across the United States issued by President Trump on October 12, 2017. Section 4 of the Executive Order specifically addresses increasing availability of and access to the use of Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs) for employers and their employees.

Jan 30, 2018

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Making the Holidays Happy for the Self-Employed Business Owner

The season leading up to the winter holidays—Christmas, New Year’s, and whatever else you might celebrate—can be stressful, both personally and for your small business. If you work in any field that sells goods or services for the holidays, from haircuts to gift-able goods to parties, you probably depend on this time of year for a good chunk of your income. Plus, you may have your own family obligations, shopping, and parties to attend. Add it all together, and most of us would really like to take a long holiday break during the holidays.

Dec 22, 2017

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Asking an Expert

Being the boss often means you are also head of marketing, sales, accounting, HR and more. And sometimes you could use some help. Get answers, advice, and tips from our team of professional experts. Ask a question online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Dec 22, 2017

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Stand Out from the Crowd

As 2017 comes to a close and we gear up for a great 2018, we are looking for NASE Members to feature in our monthly spotlights. If you want free publicity for your business and you are an NASE Member, we can help you promote your business! Simply fill out our “Get Publicity!” form here, and you and your business could be featured in an NASE publication, like our monthly member e-newsletter, SelfInformed.

Dec 22, 2017

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NASE Continues to Voice Strong Desire for Simplified Tax Code

As SelfInformed goes to print, the Senate is busy debating the tax reform legislation with the House previously approving their sweeping tax reform legislation. The NASE continues to advocate for a simplified tax code that promotes parity amongst all businesses, regardless of size.

Dec 22, 2017

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NASE Pushes for HSA Expansion

In a letter to Senators Hatch (R-UT) and Wyden (D-OR), NASE and nearly a hundred organizations, advocated for the expansion of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs).

Nov 27, 2017

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MEDIA ADVISORY: NASE CEO to Join SBA Admin. McMahon, Business Leaders for Tax Reform Roundtable

As Congress continues to debate the tax proposals released earlier this month, Keith Hall, President and CEO of the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE),the nation’s leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-business community, will join Small Business Administrator Linda McMahon and other business leaders today as part of a roundtable on tax reform before the United States Senate Committee on Small Business & Entrepreneurship.

Nov 27, 2017

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What Small Business Owners and Employees Need to Know about Leave of Absences

Once a person leaves the corporate world and enters the realm of small business, either as a small business owner or as an employee, he/she encounters new sets of regulations or lack of. This is certainly true when examining laws and guidelines pertaining to taking leave of absences. This article will address this topic from three perspectives: 1) the owner’s perspective of his own leave of absence, whether that be temporary or of indeterminate length 2) the owner’s perspective when a key employee requests a leave of absence, and 3) the employee’s perspective when considering their right to take a leave of absence.

Nov 21, 2017

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