

Commonly Missed Deductions

Q: What Deductions are most commonly missed? A: As you probably know, most business deductions come right out of your business checkbook. Any expense that is incurred in the course of your business activity that is ordinary and necessary will be deductible in some form. Therefore, the first step is to make sure you have captured all the data from your business checkbook and any other expenses that were incurred even if you paid some of those from another account. Try to avoid paying business expenses with cash simply to make sure documentation is adequate. However, if valid business expenses were indeed paid with cash, the amounts are still deductible; just make sure you maintain adequate support for the expenditures.

Nov 29, 2016

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Riding Self-Employment

Chris Lashua is the Founder and Director of Wheelwork Arts, LLC, a performance company based in Las Vegas, Nevada doing business as Cirque Mechanics. The company was founded in 2004 as a way to provide a unique brand of entertainment that encompassed theater, the circus, history and all things mechanical. Chris received a Growth Grant in 2010 to build a device to be incorporated in his shows. Cirque Mechanics has toured the U.S. theater arts markets, Canada, Mexico, Europe, Dubai and Hong Kong.

Nov 29, 2016

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Republicans Control the White House, Senate, and House

The 115th Congress will not look so different from the 114th, the Republicans still hold the majority in the Senate and House, however, in what many perceived as a shocking election, the Republicans now also hold the White House, President-elect Donald Trump, will have a path and the support to enact many of his campaign promises.

Nov 29, 2016

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NASE Champions 21st Century Cares Act- HRA provision included

Today, the NASE along with the the American Independent Business Coalition, and the Southern Consumers Alliance, announced their strong support for the 21st Century Cares Act currently under consideration by the House of Representatives. The bill includes the Small Business Health Care Relief Act, which had previously been approved by voice vote on the House floor.

Nov 29, 2016

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MEDIA AVAIL: Small Biz Expert Talks Economy, Health Care & Tax Reform in new op-ed in The Hill

As President-elect Trump outlines an agenda for his first 100 days in office, Katie Vlietstra, Vice President of Public Affairs and Government Relations for the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation's leading resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses, encourages the administration to focus on key small business issues in a new op-ed published in The Hill for Small Business Saturday

Nov 28, 2016

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Judge blocks Obama-backed rule extending overtime pay (Biz Jounals)

A federal judge in Texas on Tuesday blocked a U.S. Department of Labor rule extending overtime pay to roughly 5 million workers nationwide. The President Barack Obama-backed rule had been scheduled to take effect Dec. 1, and many employers nationwide, including many in the Triad, had changed or made plans to change the way they pay workers to meet the rule's requirements.

Nov 23, 2016

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Small Businesses Win with DOL Court Overtime Rule Injunction

The National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation’s leading advocate and resource for self-employed and micro-businesses, today applauded the emergency injunction over the Department of Labor’s Overtime Rule.

Nov 22, 2016

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Small Businesses are the Heart of the American Workforce

With this weekend’s upcoming Small Business Saturday – a national day established to support small businesses across the country – the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation’s leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-business community, released the following statement “encouraging Americans from coast to coast to support their local Mom and Pop small businesses because they are the heart of the American workforce.” “Millions of sm

Nov 22, 2016

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Small Businesses Community Outlines 100 Day Agenda for President-Elect Trump and Congress

As President-Elect Donald Trump and Congressional Republicans meet to outline an agenda for the first 100 days of a new administration, The National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation’s leading advocate and resource for self-employed and micro-businesses, is urging swift action on a range of small business issues ranging from health care to regulatory evaluation and tax reform.

Nov 14, 2016

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Advocacy: The Benefits For Nonprofit Organizations

Type “nonprofit organization” into a search engine and you will get quite a variety of definitions. If you skip the legalese definitions — such as a “corporation or an association that conducts business for the benefit of the general public without shareholders and without a profit motive”1— you will discover that there is an interesting definition that pops up: Nonprofit organizations are devoted to furthering a specific social cause or advocating for a particular point of view.

Oct 31, 2016

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