

Dependent Scholarship Recipients

It’s September and with the changing of the season comes the beginning of a new school year. It also means that we have handed out scholarships again for the 27th year in a row. Members from across the country work with their dependents to fill out applications early in the year. The applications are then carefully and thoroughly reviewed with winners being notified over the summer in preparation of the Fall semester.

Sep 29, 2016

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Clinton Releases Small Business Plan

The NASE supports a simplified tax code which is always better for the long-term survival of small businesses. Secretary Clinton’s focus on both a standard business deduction and access to health care are two essential tools for the small business community. Offering health care benefits to employees is on point: in fact, we support this in conjunction with the flexibility of Health Reimbursement Arrangements in order to ensure small business stability and health of both their employees and businesses.

Sep 29, 2016

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HR Best Practices For Small Business

Whether you’re starting a new enterprise or taking over the family company, the challenges that face small business owners are the same: increase market share, diminish costs and risk, and fulfill your mission or vision. To achieve all these, micro business owners must wear many hats. Whether you planned to be an HR manager or not, you hold the HR responsibility. Entrepreneurs are learning they can not only manage these obligations, but use them to help grow their company.

Aug 30, 2016

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Advertising Deduction on Vehicle

Q: I have started a small business selling weight loss supplements and I am considering adding little magnet signs to the side of my car. If I choose to do this will the full cost of my car now be considered advertising? ​A: Investing in your new business via advertising is certainly a good idea and the costs you incur will certainly be deductible. Unfortunately, the addition of the advertising sign to your vehicle will not change the character of the vehicle itself, nor will it change the deduction for the business use of that car. Perhaps the bigger concern is to make sure that you indeed maximize the deduction to which you are entitled.

Aug 30, 2016

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Bookkeeping Self-Employment

Teewa Akers is the owner of The Bookkeepers Accounting Service MD (Bookkeepers MD) located in Upper Marlboro, Maryland. The goal of Bookkeepers MD is to provide quality accounting services and increase financial literacy one client at a time. Teewa believes that financial literacy is extremely important for individuals and business owners alike, without a strong financial background, you may not be equipped to make major financial decisions. The Bookkeepers MD also specializes in working with small businesses to free up precious time for business owners to run their businesses instead of worrying about accounting and tax issues.

Aug 30, 2016

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Republicans and Democrats Officially Nominate Trump & Clinton

It is official, the Republican nominee for President is Donald J. Trump and the Democratic nominee for President is Secretary Hillary R. Clinton. The political parties met at their respective conventions in July to formally nominate their party’s candidate.

Aug 30, 2016

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Small Business Community Applauds Small Biz Tax Proposals from Secretary Clinton

The National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation’s leading advocate and resource for self-employed and micro-businesses, today voiced its support for a set of new small business tax proposals released by the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. Specifically, the small business standard business deduction will go a long way in reducing the complexities small businesses face in completing their tax returns.

Aug 23, 2016

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Small Business Community Applauds Small Biz Tax Proposals from Secretary Clinton (Home Business Magazine)

The National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation’s leading advocate and resource for self-employed and micro-businesses, today voiced its strong support for a set of new small business tax proposals released by the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. Specifically, the small business standard business deduction will go a long way in reducing the complexities small businesses face in completing their tax returns.

Aug 23, 2016

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National Association for the Self-Employed Awards $12,000 in Education Scholarships

As back to school season approaches and first year college students across the country prepare to pay steep college tuition fees, the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation’s leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-business community, today announced the awarding of $12,000 in educational scholarships to four dependents of current NASE members.

Aug 03, 2016

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Guide For Blooming Entrepreneurs:

If you are reading this article you probably already recognize some of the advantages of owning a small business or micro business or being self-employed. Entrepreneurship is by no means easy and it’s not for everyone; but it has some tangible and intangible benefits for those with the right mindset and something good to bring to the marketplace. In this article, we will discuss some of the motivations that drive people into starting a business. We will also discuss ways in which you can continue building a business into the long-term success that all entrepreneurs hope for. At The National Association for the Self-Employed, we know that knowledge in the hands of small business owners is a powerful tool for both the business community our economy.

Jul 27, 2016

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