Expert Advice & The Latest Small Business News | NASE


NASE Testifies on Retirement Security

On Wednesday, March 27, NASE President and CEO, Keith Hall, provided testimony to the House Small Business Committee on the opportunities and challenges the self-employed face as it relates to retirement security.
Posted on Mar 28, 2019

As Millions Consider Retirement Options This Tax Season, NASE CEO Testifies on Retirement Security for Small Businesses

As millions of small businesses contemplate retirement options during tax filing season, Keith Hall, President and CEO of the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation’s leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-business community, is scheduled to testify this Wednesday before the House Small Business Committee about the challenges and opportunities small business owners face when making decisions about their retirement.
Posted on Mar 25, 2019

Social Selling: The E-Commerce Trend That Dominated 2018

Social media marketing requires to be frequently adapted to the developing trends. Marketers must stay alert about the e-commerce development and the rapid pace that social media platforms are evolving if they actually want to maintain successful tactics. 2018 had been a bustling year for all social media platforms. There were heaps of negative and positive stories that had to do with their utilization and it’s high time now to analyze our social marketing approaches
Posted on Mar 01, 2019

Self-Care and Mental Health: Tips for Small-Business Owners on Riding Out Financial Stress

As a small-business owner, you have to wear many hats and bear heavy responsibilities. Ultimately, the success or failure of your venture comes down to how well you manage, delegate, attract new business, and handle finances. Finances are a huge stress for any business, big or small, and it’s important that you manage your stress levels and quality of life through it all. That’s difficult when there’s an endless array of tasks and details to tend to every day, and important matters like diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management are apt to fall by the wayside. It’s important to provide for your own care despite the chaotic nature of your role and the responsibilities that are on your shoulders.
Posted on Feb 27, 2019 by Julie Morris

Tax reform a win? Small business still anxious, unsure (FoxBusiness)

With a new tax law fully in effect for the first time this income tax filing season, most Americans – including the small business community – are understandably apprehensive about how the revised tax code will impact their returns this year. Despite this anxiety, the overwhelming majority of small businesses and self-employed entrepreneurs can expect to benefit from key changes and updates to the tax code that will help save both time and money.
Posted on Feb 26, 2019

Tax Preparation for the Small Business Owner

At The National Association for the Self-Employed, we know that tax season can be a hassle for independent contractors, freelancers, and small business owners. You don’t usually have the resources to hire seasoned accountants, so you end up taking precious time out of your busy day to do it yourself. But never fear, NASE is here to guide you and your small business through the process with the essential knowledge you’ll need to navigate your 2018 Tax Year.
Posted on Feb 25, 2019

It’s That Time of the Year Again — Tax Time!

Millions of small businesses, including yours, will file their 2018 returns in just under 2 months. Many will enlist the help of their accountant, while many self-employed, home-based small businesses, will have to complete returns themselves. But there are important reminders that everyone should be aware of as they complete their returns this year.
Posted on Feb 25, 2019

Following State of the Union, NASE Encourages Congress and Administration to Support America’s Small Business Community

President Donald Trump delivered his third State of the Union address, which had been postponed due to the government shutdown. While the address provided lofty rhetoric on key priorities for the Trump Administration, the NASE calls on the Administration and Congress to focus on America’s small business community, following the devastating government shutdown that paralyzed small businesses by creating unnecessary uncertainty, many were left confused about IRS refunds and tax obligations, unable to get loan assistance, and were on the frontlines of a lack of sales from regular customers unable to support them.
Posted on Feb 25, 2019

Under New Tax System, Small Businesses Will Have a Simpler and More Efficient Filing Season

After a record-setting government shutdown that affected America’s small business community, including millions of self-employed and micro-businesses, the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE) is encouraging entrepreneurs to start preparing now for filing this year’s tax returns.
Posted on Feb 18, 2019

State of the Union - Small Business Reaction

As President Donald J. Trump addresses Congress during his State of the Union Address, the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), the nation’s leading advocate and resource for the self-employed and micro-business community, today offered the following reaction urging the Administration and new Congress to work together to continue to improve the small business climate in the United States.
Posted on Feb 05, 2019

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