

6 Tips To Keep People On Your Site

Maybe you’re in the beginning phases of growing and building a business and are just starting to put your website together. Or you’ve already built a website for your small business and have been online for years. Once your website is live, you want to drive traffic to attract more customers and get more sales. Getting traffic to your website is one thing. Keeping people on your website is an entirely different skill.

Oct 22, 2015

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Hire Your Kid

Q: I saw one of your seminar videos and you talked about creating a job for my child. How do I know if this works for me? A: First of all, thank you for viewing the on-line seminar and I hope you found many ways to save thousands in tax dollars including my favorite which is to Hire Your Kid. If you operate a sole proprietorship and you have a child that can help in the business this idea is right for you. Period! Those are the only two factors that matter in putting you in position to reduce your overall tax liability by as much as $2,500.

Oct 22, 2015

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Picture Yourself in the Spotlight

Do you want free publicity for your business? If you're an NASE Member, the NASE can help you promote your business! Simply fill out our "Get Publicity!" form here, and you and your business could be featured in an NASE publication, like our monthly member e-newsletter, SelfInformed.

Oct 22, 2015

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Resignation Avoids Shutdown

In a stunning turn of events, Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) announced on Friday, September 23, 2015 he would resign from the speakership and Congress by mid-October, setting the stage for the election of a new Speaker amongst a fractured and dysfunctional Republican party.

Oct 22, 2015

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Freelancers Make More Money and Are Just Better People (Streetwise)

Freelancers say they are making more money than their office-job counterparts, according to a new report. The survey results may only tell part of the story, but even if freelancers who work from home are making less than their full-time counterparts, they appear to be getting something else that full-time workers don't: Freelancers are more positive and they say they're more likely to vote.

Oct 20, 2015

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Q&A with Katie Wonnenberg of the NASE (CQ Roll Call)

As vice president for government relations and public affairs at the National Association for the Self-Employed (NASE), Katie Wonnenberg leads the association’s federal advocacy and communication strategy in representing the 23 million self-employed and micro-businesses across the country. In today’s Q&A, she discusses key advocacy strategies she’s employed at NASE, including how best to keep members motivated when it seems like nothing is happening on Capitol Hill.

Sep 25, 2015

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7 Fundamentals Of Growing Your Business

You’re in business for yourself. And it’s an exciting ride! You want to prosper and grow your business. Have you ever thought about what steps to take to strategically grow your business? 1. SET GOALS Write it down. What are your financial goals for the year? The quarter? Break down how you will achieve these goals. How many widgets do you need to sell? Or how many insurance policies do you need to write? Put your goals in a frame in a place where you can see it throughout the day.

Sep 23, 2015

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Does Forming an LLC Reduce My Taxes?

Q: As a real estate agent for residential property, should I form an LLC to reduce my taxes? A: The easiest and quickest answer to your question is simply NO! The first key point to consider is that the form of entity under which you choose to operate will not have a material impact on your overall income tax liability.

Sep 23, 2015

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Applying Self-Employment

Russel Edwards is the owner of Major Appliance HQ, a family owned and operated appliance business for 40 years located in Chuckey, Tennessee. Major Appliance HQ serves the local community not just as a place where customers can purchase appliances for their homes but also rely on to install and service their appliances properly.

Sep 23, 2015

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DOL New Overtime Rule Impacts Small Business

Under a proposed rule issued by the Department of Labor, millions of exempted employees would become eligible for overtime and would raise workers’ wages by $1.2 billion in a plan outlined by Secretary Perez. The salary threshold for an employee to be eligible for overtime would be raised to about $970 week/$50,440 annually and the threshold for highly compensated employees would move from $100,000 to $122,148.

Sep 23, 2015

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